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This is a question Pet Peeves

What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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I have grey hair and a full beard (also greying)
I don't fucking look "under 21", I look my age which - thank you for reminding me - is advancing. One of the supposed benefits of getting older is that I shouldn't have to put up with this crap any more.

The last two times I've been ID'd in shitty supermarkets I've been buying a crate of Banks's Mild - an old man's ale if ever I heard of one - not fucking alcopops or lagers.

I don't carry ID any more because I'm over 30, of course I'm going to get angry when some bovine fuckwit refuses to serve me and my little sister has to bail me out and produce her ID instead.

Fucking hell, I could understand if I actually *looked* underage, but I've been buying beers since I was 14. Why start IDing me 16 years later, now I'm past it?

Jesus, you've just reminded me how fucking angry this makes me. Perhaps I should post it as my own peeve. Fuckwits.

[edit] oh, oh, and then when the cud-chewing shitbrained tillmonkey says "treat it as a compliment" I just want to kill the retarded bitch. Don't tell me to treat it as a compliment, I'll treat it as the massive fucking inconvenience you've just thrown in my path, thank you very much. If part of your job is to try and gauge how old a customer is and you get it wrong by a factor of over 30%, then you're either stupid, shit at your job or trying (and succeeding) to wind me up. And while we're on the subject, just doing your job? Wasn't that the Nuremberg defence?

Christ, I don't even get ID'd in the States any more, where you actually *have* to be 21 to buy booze.
(, Sun 4 May 2008, 20:01, Reply)

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