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This is a question Phobias

What gives you the heebie-jeebies?

It's a bit strong to call this a phobia, but for me it's the thought of biting into a dry flannel. I've no idea why I'd ever want to or even get the opportunity to do so, seeing as I don't own one, but it makes my teeth hurt to think about it. *ewww*

Tell us what innocent things make you go pale, wobbly and send shivers down your spine.

(, Thu 10 Apr 2008, 13:34)
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Have you Seen the film "the day after tomorrow"?
That kind of stuff leaves me shaking with fear.

The sheer fact that there's a producer out there who thinks it's releasable is bad enough, but the storyline and physical impossibilities of some of the scenarios in it is just amazing.

Shoddy movies... They suck my will to live.

I should set the Wombles on them.
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 13:56, 15 replies)
We both know
That you can't control the Wombles...
If you could, you wouldn't need that lump hammer, would you?
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:15, closed)
thats one of my all time fave films. I know the storyline is a bit shoddy. And the whole disaster happened so quick. But the visual effects were amazing!
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:19, closed)
are untrustworthy, they lull you into a false sense of security by doing what you suggest for a while, but don't be fooled, they aren't obeying you, they have ulterior motives.

Wombles *shudder*
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:20, closed)
But wombles are lovely!
Apart from Madame Cholet - she was a bitch.
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:33, closed)
Wombles indeed!
You know there's another name for things that live in parks and rummage the contents of refuse receptacles.

Fucking Tramps!
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:39, closed)
But, but.....
They were lovely. Even now just the sound of Bernard Cribbins's voice makes me feel like a little girl again.
Their little paper decorated burrow and Great Uncle Bulgaria, Tobermory and Tomsk...aah....lovely.

Even the music was good - I had a Wombles' poster on my bedroom wall when I was very small.
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:45, closed)
Madame Cholet...
Not only a bitch, but a loose slag too.

All those male-wombles and only one girl?... eh?? I bet Orinoco had his wrinkly nose in cholet's knicker-drawer at every oppertunity.. sniffing out the crusty womble-gussets...

Just like the sodding smurfs... filthy little buggers. Smurfette was nothing but a cheap make-up-daubed purple smurf-cum whore.

With a lump hammer you can control Wombles... but with enough determination and a well-trained right arm, you could do some serious smurf-control.
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:48, closed)
Perhaps I'm being harsh
I'm just a cynical child of the 'Rainbow' and 'Superted' and 'Dangermouse' generation. The brief glimpses I had of wombles presumably harked back to a long bygone age of innocence that I wasn't fortunate enough to enjoy.

Could be worse eh? Kids now were influenced by tellytubbies, tweenies et al. No wonder half of them are out smoking crack. God only help my daughters generation (currently babies / toddlers) In The Night Garden is the biggest load of shite yet, I dread to speculate on the subconscious effects Iggle Piggle is having on her impressionable mind.
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:52, closed)
@ miggyman...
Special effects were great?

I'd daubed more convincing wolf-packs with my own shit than those CGI robots.

The cold air coming down though the eye of the storm?... Why did it show it always coming down like a bloody elevator once it got to its destination? it would have been CONTINUOUS...

Nope. Poorly executed trash. The lot of it.
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:53, closed)
@ Greencloud
I too grew up with Rainbow - just checked Wikipedia - The Wombles and Rainbow were shown on TV during the 70s - when I was a very small chick.

I remember Superted and especially Dangermouse, but still The Wombles have a special place in my heart.

Despite the evil bitch Cholet.
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:59, closed)
that never occurred to me before.
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 15:00, closed)
You know the Wombling Song?
"Underground, overground, Wombling free,
The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we"

Well, my sister and I both used to think when we were young that the second line was:

"The Wombles of Wimbledon, common are we"

meaning that there were lots of them.

It was years later that we found out Wimbledon Common was a green(ish) area of London.
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 15:03, closed)
I thought the same! I'd never been to that there London, you see.
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 15:18, closed)
Oi Humpty, leave the Smurfs alone!
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 16:05, closed)

I rather liked that film.

Mostly for Jake whatshisface though.
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 16:28, closed)

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