Sit-ins. Walk-outs. Smashing up the headquarters of a major political party. Chaining yourself to the railings outside your local sweet shop because they changed Marathons to Snickers. How have you stuck it to The Man?
( , Thu 11 Nov 2010, 12:24)
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decided to foist their new overdraft charges onto us. Rather than pay interest on the overdraft balance, they changed it to the 'easier to understand' £1 a day whilst you're in your OD. And if you go over your OD limit, that becomes £5 per day. Being well into an OD and being too fiscally challenged to pay it off before the new charges came into effect (if we wanted to eat, pay bills and keep a roof over our head that is) meant that we were now going to be charged double what we were paying before. FUck that I thought. So I wrote to them and told them that although they are entitled to change their T&Cs, I am not going to agree to them and asked to them to freeze the account or at least carry on charging the old interest rate whilst we pay it off.
Did they listen? Did they bunnies. So we jumped ship and went to another bank, leaving that one in limbo. I wrote again four more times telling them they can't force us to accept their charges and each time they said 'tough shit'.
I got FOS involved, but they were as much use as a plastic frying pan.
So, 9 months later with best part of a grand added on in unlawful charges and debt collection agencies writing to me and calling and sending texts, I wrote to the bank demanding the signed copy of the agreement between us that showed that I had agreed to their new charges. The agreement that doesn't exist. Nothing showed up so I wrote again quoting various credit agreement regulations and so on.
A few weeks later, we received a reply saying that they've refunded all the new charges (£1060), frozen all new charges and asked if I'd phone them up to arrange a payment plan.
Especially considering that I was happy to carry on paying the interest which would've probably added several pounds to the total.
I now need to check if they've added any blemishes to my credit record.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 15:03, 3 replies)

forget to put them on notice under section 7 of the DPA - i.e. forbidding them to inform any third party (including private credit reference companies) of this affair.
If, of course, they ignore it, or already have informed them, a quick reminder that this is defamation of character usually gets them to remove it quite quickly.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 18:26, closed)

Has letters/articles like yours every month. They have handy colour-coded box outs explaining exactly how to stick it to the man, and what with.
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 20:02, closed)

Fuck them. What did it cost them? Nowt!
( , Mon 15 Nov 2010, 20:21, closed)
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