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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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When did you learn to read?
I'm self taught.
(, Mon 1 Jul 2013, 16:16, Reply)
What card games do you know?
I don't know that many to be honest. Snap, pairs, the clock one you play on your own. The one where it has to add up to 21. What's that called? Huh...my mind's gone blank. Weird.
(, Mon 1 Jul 2013, 16:14, Reply)
Haha, have you ever put something down, walked away and then gone back to it, and it's not there?
Haha, I've done that loads. Then I'm all like "Wait a minute! I put it there, so it must be THERE! Where it is?"
Haha. Brilliant.
(, Mon 1 Jul 2013, 15:59, Reply)
Have you ever managed to get a grip?
What was it you got a grip of?
(, Mon 1 Jul 2013, 15:58, Reply)
Tell us / show us / send us the worst thing you've ever cooked or had cooked for you. Even if it is a £10 burger.
(, Sun 30 Jun 2013, 16:38, Reply)
Science! ISN'T! Dull.
Tell us your science-based stories. Or failing that, some kind of shit pun based around the periodic table.
Or complain about 'trolls'.
(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 21:16, 2 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
What film am I thinking of?
Go on. Guess.
(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 18:00, 4 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Portmanteau animal swearing.
I think we can all agree that it never gets old so come on, you willy-otters, give us your best shots!!!
(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:50, Reply)
Fruit woes II - tell us your fruit woes. Again.

(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:46, Reply)
How much money do you earn?
I earn...I dunno...must be LOADS I reckon.
(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:45, Reply)
Have you ever been to America?
Was it good?
(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:44, Reply)
What WOULD Jesus do?

(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:40, Reply)
Do you know what I like? POP MUSIC
Do you like POP MUSIC?
(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:40, Reply)
Are you called Sam? Do you know anyone called Sam? Let us know all about them!
(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:38, 1 reply, 11 years ago)
Have you ever been so cold that you've had to put a jumper on indoors?

(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:37, Reply)
Got a loft? Is it untidy? Got anything really bad stashed up there that the police shouldn't know about?
(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:35, Reply)
Now I've got your attention, who wants to play with my dingle dangle doo?
(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:34, Reply)
I reckon I'm quite good at martial arts, even though I've never done it before
What do you reckon you're quite good at, even though you've never done it before?
(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:33, Reply)
My mate's Dad punched a swan once
What did you punch once?
(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:33, Reply)
If whales are mammals, and mammals make milk, can you make whale cheese?

(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:32, Reply)
How many pairs of trousers do you reckon you've owned in your whole life?
It has to be more than twenty, surely.
(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:25, Reply)
Have you ever masturbated on public transport?

(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:23, Reply)
Who'd like to see a picture of my bum?

(, Fri 28 Jun 2013, 17:22, Reply)
have you ever made the news?
have you ever been in the news, did you commit a murder? did you save someone's life? were you in the local paper pointing at a crack in the pavement outside spar that caused you to trip over and smash your front teeth in and now you're suing the council?

yeah, well, keep it to yourself
(, Thu 27 Jun 2013, 11:41, Reply)
I just don't care.
Tell us all about the people and things that you really don't care about. Try to be as long-winded as possible in expressing your indifference. What or who are you conscientiously ignoring at the moment?
(, Wed 26 Jun 2013, 14:21, Reply)
Have you ever eaten ice cream?
Yeah? Bullshit you have. I have. It tasted good. What do you think of that, eh?
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 13:47, Reply)
Self-referential guff on fading British comedy-based websites.

(, Mon 24 Jun 2013, 9:56, 1 reply, 11 years ago)
Ever kissed a girl?
No? Hardly surprising.
(, Fri 21 Jun 2013, 14:48, 3 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Awful misconceptions about stuff you had as a child

(, Thu 20 Jun 2013, 14:50, Reply)

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