Scaryduck writes, "I celebrated my last day on my paper round by giving everybody next door's paper, and the house at the end 16 copies of the Maidenhead Advertiser. And I kept the delivery bag. That certainly showed 'em."
What have you flounced out of? Did it have the impact you intended? What made you quit in the first place?
( , Thu 22 May 2008, 12:15)
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Captain Placid's topical repost reminded me of a place I was working at about seven years ago, where I was "managed" (using the term in it's loosest possible definition) by an utterly inept individual called Rob.
I reponded to an advertisement from a company seeking helpdesk analysts support a well known brand of Payroll software. I duly applied for the job and was invited in for a rather gruelling round of interviews and tests before being informed that I'd missed out by the tiniest of margins. A few weeks later a second letter arrived to say that I was hired anyway.
It turned out that the person originally hired stuck it out for a couple of weeks and then mysteriously fucked off. Determined to make a go of it and having just signed up for a mortgage with ex-Mrs PJM I snapped up the job offer like a hungry terrier.
I was introduced to my boss, who had been with the company since leaving school some twelve years before. He looked vaguely familiar to me. I wracked my brains and remembered that he used to attend my local scout group. I remembered that he'd been a loud, gobby shite, but perhaps time had mellowed him somewhat...
All was rosy for the first couple of months as I trained on the software and started to churn through dealing with client queries. However, a few weeks later Rob recruited another analyst and duly paid him £5k a year less than me. Then my problems started.
Rob quickly showed his true colours, he was both a monumentally insincere arse-licker and also liked to manage by fear. This dual side to his temperament rattled me, one minute he'd be publically praising me and the next the knife would be drawn. Being the only non-smoker on the helpdesk meant that at 9am every morning I'd have to deal with all the urgent shite while he went off for a fag and to stick the knife in.
Our latest release of software was as buggy as hell. I had been dealing with a particularly unpleasant client trying to resolve their issues for them prior to my wedding, however I wasn't satisfied that I was getting anywhere with dealing with the root of their issue.
Rob asked me to step outside with him.
"I can't help noticing that you're bringing your wedding nerves to work with you. It's not acceptable, you must make sure they stay out of the office." he said sternly.
I nodded and apologized. I held back, as Rob was going through a messy prolonged breakup with his wife. What's worse? A wedding or a breakup? I made the guy a cup of coffee as a concilliatory gesture.
Later that day I could not believe what I was hearing.
"Well, we have been talking to Marriage Guidance and I'm doing what I can. I don't want to lose the boy..." said Rob, on the telephone in front of the whole office.
"...she wants more excitement in the bedroom..." he continued.
I kid you not. Not only was he bringing his personal life into the office, but he was discussing it on the phone with clients who we were supposed to be assisting. Professional or what?
On the Friday before I was due to fly off on honeymoon, I went through my outstanding problems with Rob. We came to this issue and I asked how should I proceed and who it should be assigned to.
"Close it" was his response.
"You sure?" I asked
"Yeah, I'm sure it's a data input problem" he replied. I duly completed the log and saved it.
Two weeks later I came back to work and was duly summoned to a disciplinary meeting with Rob and the Customer Service Director.
"You closed a serious issue without due consultation and thus caused an embarrassing incident with the client" said Rob
My mouth fell open. I could not believe what I was hearing.
"You told me explicitly to close it!" I retorted.
"Trying to pin the blame for your actions on a manager is a very serious matter" replied Rob, much to the Customer Service Director's interest as he sat there nodding.
Fuck. I was being stitched up good and proper. I had no proof of this episode and obviously Rob was about as trustworthy as the rhythmn method. The fucker had also edited my helpdesk log details too.
"You have to buck your ideas up sunshine".
I had no choice but to sit there and nod.
From there on in, I was very, very careful with Rob. Whenever we discussed anything at all, no matter how trivial I scribbled a summary down next to the time and date. This annoyed the bejeesus out of him.
Then the outright bullying started.
"You're not pulling your weight sunshine" was a phrase oft uttered.
However, I had access to the helpdesk statistics and could prove that I was indeed pulling my weight. I was resolving more calls than the other guys - including him.
Without a word, I printed the stats together with a few emails from clients thanking me for my help and pinned them to the noticeboard, leaving copies on the Customer Service Director's desk.
He was enraged. Determined to prove a point, he started to take calls himself and reduced my allocation of unresolved calls. He got the other analyst geed up to compete and it was obvious whenever I was on the phone that the pair of them were emailing each other, looking at me and giggling. This went on for some months, with the most toxic issues being farmed out to me and Rob pouring over the stats every Friday afternoon. I raised my game and refused to be beaten, however it was clear that I was on the losing side.
My confidence was shattered, so I had one last move left. Without too much bother I got hold of some of the emails Rob had sent round about me to, which clearly crossed the line (stupid fucker didn't delete them all...). I took copies and compiled a small dossier. With another job to go to, a plan formulated in my mind.
"Rob, I need a meeting" I said
"Yeah mate. Maybe later?" replied Rob as he wandered out for another cigarette break.
I put my written resignation in his intray, knowing he wouldn't read it. I put a copy in the Customer Service Director's intray and sat back in my chair waiting for it to kick off.
Phone rings. Rob gets up and walks into Customer Service Director's office. Door closes.
Fifteen minutes later he comes out with his tail between his legs. Apparently Rob had taken a kicking for not responding to my requests for an apprasial (which I'd noted in my resignation letter).
"Fuck, we did need to talk!" he snarled as he walked past me.
Amazingly, Rob seemed to be the only person surprised by my resignation. The Customer Service Director was concerned that Rob had done fuck all to deal with some of my grievences I'd listed and had torn him off a strip. I'm delighted to say that worse was to come.
Six weeks after I left, I sent my dossier of Rob's emails to the Customer Service Director by confidential mail together with a summary of events, dates and times and my take on the proceedings.
And that was that.
I was enjoying a drink with an ex colleague prior to my resignation who filled me in on a few colourful details. Rob's missus was a very difficult woman, she'd been knocked up at sixteen and met Rob when her first kid was a toddler and she was in the final throes of a relationship of sorts with the good for nothing father. The suspicion was that Rob was her meal ticket. Being extremely needy she'd phone him at work and demand he came home to replace a lightbulb in the bathroom that had blown, as she was too scared to turn on anything electrical "in case the house burned down". She'd decided that life with Rob wasn't much cop (clearly possessed of a reasonable degree of perception) and had started chatting to guys online.
Just prior to my wedding, Rob had apparently been discussing with colleagues that his missus had asked him to take raunchy pics of her which she then emailed to one of her online flirtations, with the intentions of meeting for sex - with Rob's full prior knowledge.
Just to rub it in to the guy, like... He deserved it.
( , Fri 23 May 2008, 12:14, 2 replies)

Good for you for handling it so well though. I'd have been tempted to break his nose.
Unfortunately, there seem to be loads of stories of people with bosses who act childishly, rudely and jealously to their colleagues. I just can't comprehend why some people are such malicious pillocks.
( , Fri 23 May 2008, 12:37, closed)

...would have been very tempting and very satisfying right up to the point where I needed a reference.
A new colleague of mine has worked with Rob and has first hand experience of his "management skills". It was a topic of conversation at user-group meetings. Not long after I left, Rob was demoted in disgrace. He's still there, but I doubt his wife is.
( , Fri 23 May 2008, 12:41, closed)
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