You've all got scars: they're nature's little reminders not to be so damned stupid next time. My favourite is the 1/4" round hole in the back of my right hand, created when I was 7 by my best friend putting a manure-covered gardening fork "away".
Tell us the stories behind your scars. With photos if possible.
( , Fri 4 Feb 2005, 10:00)
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Over at our favourite set of jumps, Us students used to While away the odd afternoon getting caned and jumping moto-X styleee on out Mountian bikes. We ruled.
One day someone had moved the landing ramp to the final "Double" (a meter further on than it used to be) in a set of 6 (not an easy feat.... it was about a ton of earth)
Instead of floating down the landing as per the other 5 jumps in the sequence, I SLAMMED into the back of the landing ramp with the grace of a tumble drier, and found my self hanging in the air on Road-runner style. Gravity won, and I recieved a decent shard of slate under my left kneecap. Small lumps of fat and surprisingly little blood popped out of it as the afternoons' jumping continued.
Following advice i went to casualty... got it stiched (took pics during it) (yes, i'm trying to find them) ....

EDIT: (inset: lump of fat.. pre-cleaning) The needle could have fitted around the circumference of a 2p piece. You can JUST see the tip of it poking out (in the forceps) and in the interests of getting down to the pub faster I opted for no anesthetic. The adrenaline was enough anyway. She thought I was wierd for taking pics as she stitched away... I in turn thought she was crap for loosing the needle in my knee at some point. (and then having to poke around to make the needle's point poke out of me to reveal itself, and THEN having to fish it through with forceps. Bloody amateurs.
BUT.. the most insulting thing.. accident report form stated "fell off bicycle" the sods... they made it seem so... well... childish!!
I now have a cute little scar.
EDIT#2.... regarding the post below.. I didn't know that you could camp in a Whale, and thought that whales tended to be ocean-going.... not a rural creatures. Guess they must be a bit like the Urban Fox, but a little less sneaky. How marvellous!!
( , Tue 8 Feb 2005, 22:02, Reply)
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