Amorous Badger asks: Tell us tales of people who have a high opinion of themselves. Jumped-up officials, the mad old bloke who runs the Neighbourhood Watch like it's a military operation, Colonel Blimps, pompous bastards and people stuck up their own arse.
( , Thu 24 Jan 2013, 12:22)
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If you receive a parking fine from any entity other than a local council, TfL, a police force or any other state run organisation - YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY IT.
Private parking firms (the one's who patrol store car-parks and 'private' land') have zero authority to collect fines from you. They may scare you with threatening letters etc - but the truth of the matter is as follows:
A fine issued by a private parking company is simply an 'invoice', based on your alleged breaching of their 'terms and conditions of parking' - which you'll see on the car park's signage. These companies can only inform the registered keeper of the vehicle of the alleged outstanding amount. However, in contract law, the basis of offer and acceptance is based on individual acceptance of a set of terms. So, to get out of ALL parking fines issued by private companies, simply state:
"Dear Rip-off Cunt Merchant (who prey on the feeble-minded and ignorant),
I have received a request for payment today but I have to inform you that your information is incorrect. I was not the driver of the vehicle in question at the time of the alleged breach, nor am I under any legal obligation to inform you of who the driver was.
I do not accept your invoice and I will not be paying. Please refrain from writing to me again and any further attempts to extort monies from me will be reported to the relevant authorities as harassment
Yours etc."
These people are powerless to locate the driver (unlike the police who you have to declare the driver to, and unlike councils who can issue state-sanctioned fines against to registered keeper), therefore they cannot then prosecute. If they threaten with court action, then encourage them. They'll have to take you to court AND win their case (which is highly unlikely), before they can legally recover any monies. And as the cost of initiating court action falls on them (and is far higher than the fine they're chasing), they literally will not bother.
Now that clamping and towing from private land has been banned - these companies can't clamp or remove and demand payment before your vehicle is released. So their main revenue stream has been stopped. Who to thank for this new law to stop the daylight robbery that was private clamping firms? The Daily Mail and your friendly Conservative Govenment.
tldr? You're an ignorant, shit-scared moron if you pay any private parking company any money.
( , Mon 28 Jan 2013, 15:19, 3 replies)

I couldn't give a fuck if idiots are getting fined left right and centre; no one in London other than traders and emergency staff have any need to drive in the city. Fuck all of them. I needed the cash and the cash I got.
You're welcome.
( , Mon 28 Jan 2013, 17:20, closed)

Although I suppose then you wouldn't be able to do a stream of nerdsatisfied nose-laughs while typing out a hilarious letter.
( , Mon 28 Jan 2013, 18:02, closed)

No. It just covers the salient points of law and allows me to park with impunity wherever I like.
( , Mon 28 Jan 2013, 21:45, closed)

Whether they're legally allowed to do that or not, sometimes they do.
(By "you have to pay it", I mean of course that you do if you want your car back)
( , Mon 28 Jan 2013, 23:12, closed)
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