Freddie Woo tells us: Despite being a well rounded modern man I think women are best off getting married and having a few kids else they'll be absolutely miserable come middle age.
What views do you have that are probably sexist that you believe are true?
( , Sun 27 Dec 2009, 12:23)
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Men who put their wife/girlfriend through the ordeal of having their tubes tied should have the soles of their feet walloped with a broom handle. If you're looking at this course of action, then man the fuck up and go get the snip. Providing you wear the support stocking thing, you're up and about after an hour or so.
Also, when you lob ropes over your partner's face/tits/back/arse etc, your harry monk looks exactly the same as it did pre-op.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 11:36, 37 replies)

i've had the snip, and i would NEVER recomend it. it was the most unpleasant experience of my life
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 11:49, closed)

Was it keyhole surgery and neat little stitches, or did he use rusty bulldog clip, or two bricks or perhaps a Breville sandwich toaster (which would leave an attractive scalloped pattern.)
The clamp to stretch the skin out pinched a bit, but the worst part was when he severed the pipes, which momentarily felt like he'd flicked my bollocks, but it only lasted a few seconds.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 11:59, closed)

when he had a vasectomy.
The stitches became infected and one came out, opening up a hole in his scrotum through which he could see a bollock.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:03, closed)

when he was told to wipe it down regular with some watered down Savlon or something.
Plus when returning to have the stitches removed, I had the opportunity to point the nurse out to Mrs SLVA and say "she's seen my testicles, you haven't"
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:11, closed)

felt like someone was squeezing my nut in their fist
bruised up that day
and i was unable to climb stairs for a week, my nuts, perineum and shaft went purple and my scrote swelled up massively
was still in actual pain a month later
still managed to 'test' my equipment though (and regretted it)
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:57, closed)

I always wondered that. You know, if the tadpoles are missing, does it change colour or consistency or whatever.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 11:50, closed)

The fluid is that consistency to start with, so the removal of swimmers makes no difference. Not that I've noticed anyway.
Though it is less salty I've been told.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 11:55, closed)

if anything it's the opposite. I don't know if that's because neither of you are worrying that she may get pregnant. Also, (get your mind bleach ready) I seem to get aroused far easier much to Mrs SLVA's amusement, consequently she doesn't leave me alone.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:00, closed)

Hurt a bit, but worth it; bareback for the win!
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:02, closed)

The worst bit, like a dental filling, was the injection of the anaesthetic. Took about 30 minutes all in. Take paracetamol regularly for a few days, and it's not even very uncomfortable.
It's still slightly odd having your dangly bits poked with a soldering iron, though.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:32, closed)

My doctor gave me a running commentary. Apparently, he cut a short 4mm length out of each pipe, folded them back on each other and stitched them, thus removing any opportunity that may allow them to grow back. The injection didn't bother me, the clamp on the skin was worse and the severing of the actual pipes.
Plus, having it done earned me many brownie points with people who all thought it was a noble thing to do. As opposed to browneye points, which is something completely different.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:52, closed)

As long as they use "keyhole surgery and neat little stitches" what does it matter which one of you has the op? Why shouldn't women who force their men to have a vasectomy be beaten on the soles of their feet with a broomhandle?
Or are you being deliberately sexist?
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:05, closed)

a: That's the point of the QOTW
b: It's a simpler process for a man, in my experience far less of an ordeal than getting a tooth filled. Whereas a women has to spend the night in hospital and there is a greater chance of complications. Would you really want to impose that on your Mrs if you could achieve the same thing with an easier operation?
As someone else said, bareback for the win, especially considering that a woman can't take the pill for ever, and condoms are just fuck awful.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:16, closed)

But I think you're way off on this, I know guys who've had to spend a week on the sofa after their vasectomy - my mate's dad was left with such bad bruising it looked like he was wearing pruple shorts (or so my mate tells me). It's not quite as simple as just a quick snip.
I don't really have a problem with condoms either - the missus is on the pill, yet we still use them.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:31, closed)

as long as you use decent ones (durex featherlite for preference) it doesn't feel all that different
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:57, closed)

I could never get the fuckers on. Sex without a condom is far far superior. Unless you've been circumcised, then it probably wouldn't make a difference.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:59, closed)

used them once because they were free. never again.
I find that the difference between with and without condom isn't enough to be worth haivng my mrs experience the pill or implant side effects.
the coil is worth considering though I guess.
I'm not planning on having kids, so the snip is tempting to reduce the chances of an accident
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 13:03, closed)

they used to be a quid for a three-pack, either from Boots or from a machine in the gents' bogs. And Durex too.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 13:47, closed)

My brother had it done at 9am, and he was back at work after lunch fitting beedrooms.
It may depend on the doctor, or how long ago it was. My doctor specialised in the procedure and had done over 2000 of them over 15 years. I had mine done in 1994 and I'm so glad I did.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:58, closed)

and I can't think of it being that unpleasant. The thought of someone prodding around my bollocks with a sharp knife is much worse in my mind!
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:45, closed)

Coil for the lady is much simpler. Whack it in, forget about it for 10 years. if you then want to have some more nippers, whip it back out and get spalunking again.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:31, closed)

is that the man can then shag around as much as he likes, while the woman is stuck with condoms or concealing the pill if she wants a safe bit on the side.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:34, closed)

It's the least a man can do.
Had mine done last year, Mine took 35mins in the local surgery and i drove home afterwards. Even the shaving was new experience which i'm happy to say i've continued.
looks the same, shoots the same, smells the same, etc. stop being the stereotypical ignorant fuckwit do what the OP says - MAN UP
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 12:36, closed)

For some reason, I did the lot and it took forever.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 13:02, closed)

i spent ages "around the back" making sure it was hairless and he ended up going thru the front. he didn't even see what i nice job i'd done. i was a bit miffed.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 14:49, closed)

you could just place your nuts on top of the microwave and put it on full twatting power for a couple of minutes.
Or hit yourself in the bollocks with a mallet.
Should leave you well and truly seedless.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 13:04, closed)

I stripped off, then had a fit nurse gently swab my scrotum and then arrange nice warm flannels around it. How I didn't crack a semi I never know.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 13:07, closed)

As somebody who became a dad by "accident" (read smarties were in the bin) I'd advocate every lad in the land getting sorted the day after they could reproduce. At least that way the "accident" rate would plummet and "real" family planning would involve both parents deciding.
That said the little Miss is now 13 and I'm ever so glad I stuck about to watch her grow into the teenager she is now.
Heck I even let Mrs M make an honest man of me (admitedly only five years ago) (but fuck I was annoyed)..
Edit: And yes I have had the snip, 2 months "before" the bairn was born, just to make sure there were no more accidents........
Edit 2: And no it didnt hurt (at all) was in the pub 3 hours after the opp and was fixing my Landie the next morning.........
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 13:52, closed)

I was lying there with the veg on show and an Aussie nurse stroking my forehead (only dread kept the old boy down) and the doc asked "would you mind if my colleague assists? He's a student." Lulled as I was by the Aussie totty's hand I agreed.
Now I have the tube one side definitely tied up shorter than the other (I can feel it pulling when, ah, er - I pull it) and for two weeks after my nut sack looked like an aubergine.
Didn't even get her number either.
( , Thu 7 Jan 2010, 14:04, closed)
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