Have you been stalked? Or have you done the stalking? Is that you in the bushes outside with the nightvision goggles?
( , Thu 31 Jan 2008, 15:40)
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I thought I had no stories for this QOTW, but I realised while replying to a post further down that I might have a sort of budding stalkerette in the making at this very moment. Things have in no way become freaky yet, but I am beginning to feel a little bit..... observed by my ex wife.
I'm afraid you'll need a back story. I'll do my best to make it brief :P
A few years ago I was married, to a lovely girl as it turned out. It ended when she kicked me out and moved her boyfriend of 4 months in a month later, but I never actually cut off contact with her until I heard she'd told her family and various other folk (mostly whilst pissed up in the local) that I'd been violent and controlling. This was news to me. I had to move in with my parents, having no money and nowhere else to go, and they lived about 200 feet down the road from our lovely marital council house. She IMMEDIATELY moved her boyfriend in as soon as I found out about him, and acted as though this was the most normal thing in the world. I decided, being me, that the best way to deal with it was to stay as far away from her as I could get and get over things in my own time. To be fair to her, I think she pretty much left me alone after a few months too and got on with her life, but I was still dealing with the lies she'd spread 2 years later. She's enough of a headcase in other ways but stalking never seemed to be her style. She tried to contact me twice after I told her to leave me alone(not that she wanted me back.... having arguments with me made her feel wanted I suppose) then seemed to get the message.
All very good. Important you know that, y'see.... no me stalking her, no her stalking me. So far.
My friends and family were great through that time, but I needed an outlet for things. I discovered myspace. I made up a little page, added a few pics, got a few friends, as you do. I started writing the odd blog here and there.... a quick check ensured the ex hadn't discovered myspaz yet (and wasn't likely to, not her thing really, computers) so I could vent all my pent up rage now and again in my blog without incurring a screaming match in the street the next day..... mostly, though, I'd write a lot of nonsense. Over time I developed a little following, got a few nice emails saying I made people smile and so on, made me happy to know that so I kept it up. But Myspace became boring. I was lured to the bright lights and loud noises of Bebo.
I made up my little bebo page to be similar to myspace, but due to bebo being more focused on communicating with people you actually know (rather than people pretending to be celebrities or random people from thousands of miles away, like myspace) I concentrated on that more. I didn't have my little blog following there, but I still wrote them, and some people still read them. I still do.
Then I saw it.
One of my friends had made a NEW friend. It was her. He's a bloody evil genius that guy :P he added her purely to see if I'd notice, and notice I did! Seeing that fucking face grinning out at me from my "changes" list sent a shiver down my spine. I've done a good job of not speaking to/seeing her at all for 3 years now, which isn't easy in a place this size. This was MY fucking playpark and she was muscling in! I soon persuaded myself that she'd probably not even noticed I was there though, made a mental note to keep mention of her out of my blog and that was that.
Of course, I tried to have a look on her page :P You would, wouldn't you? But it was private. So I couldn't. Bastard.
Now, private pages irritate me. I like all and sundry to be able see my horrible little corner of the interweb, so one day I made mention of this on my page. Something like "Private bebo pages get right on my tits", something along those lines, having been denied entry to some pretty little ladies page for the umpteenth time probably (hey, I AM a stalker). Couple of days later, for what reason I don't know, I tried her page again. Bingo! Not private any more. "Heh" thinks I. She must be sneaking a peek at my page. Pah, that's just normal, really, nothing freaky there. I quickly started to notice, though, that many of our mutual friends pages have been getting spammed with messages from her saying how happy she is, "no more mr wrong for me" and the like. I have a sneaking suspicion those messages are meant for my eyes, you know. Plus, my best friend's mum has been being filled in by HER mum (just in passing, you understand) about how her and her new fella just do NOT get on at all, and how she cannot cope with her new baby..... all of which is feverishly relayed back to me of course, whether I want it to be or not. I'm now looking back over the last few seemingly uneventful years... all those times I'd see her dragging her man by the hand past the front of the house (they now live in a different street). The time I saw her in the pub, and she spent the whole night 4 feet away from me hanging out of his mouth. Later that night, having managed to ignore her completely (because I was pissed lolz), she attempted to cuddle me, and then turned the air blue in front of the whole pub when I told her to "fuck off" (the only 2 words I've spoken to her in 3 years)and was dragged out of the pub backwards by her sister screaming "I'm only trying to be fucking nice you fucking wanker". I heard that one split them up for a day too.
Cobbling all these events together, I'm not altogether sure she's quite as finished with the idea of me and her as I am.
I hope I'm wrong and she really is that happy/unhappy (depending on who's telling you) and it isn't for my benefit. Cos the thought of that complete bastard having her eyes set on me again is the most terrifying thing I can imagine, and thats after 3 years of relative singledom.
Apologies for lack of exciting ending, if it turns out my hunch is right, I'll let you know from my hospital bed if I survive the inevitable shoot-out, and of course, apologies for vast length, maybe that's what's drawing her back?
( , Sun 3 Feb 2008, 22:32, 1 reply)

Sounds like you're best shot of her.
Also sounds like you don't need me to tell you that ;)
( , Mon 4 Feb 2008, 1:40, closed)
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