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This is a question Amazing displays of ignorance

Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic tells us: "My dad's friend told us there's no such thing as gravity - it's just the weight of air holding us down". Tell us of times you've been floored by abject stupidity. "Whenever I read the Daily Express" is not a valid answer.

(, Thu 18 Mar 2010, 16:48)
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today in Wells
on a day trip to Wells today I caused one and witnessed one.

Upon reading a 'Hidden Dips' sign, I said out loud to the other half 'I didn't see any hidden dips.'

Also walking around the town I noticed a series of signs explaining how various streets got their names.
One was something like Henderson Street, named after William 'Jock' Henderson, Bishop of Bath and Wells 1960 to 1975.
Three women walked passed said sign, and one said 'Are those dates his Birth and death dates?'
I am sure young Jock missed out on Sweeney viewing and Chopper riding while spending his brief life guiding local God-botherers.
(, Sun 21 Mar 2010, 1:50, Reply)

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