There's nothing like carrying large amounts of cash to make yourself feel simultaneously like a lottery winner and an obvious target.
A friend went to buy a car for ten grand, panicked and stuffed it down his pants for safety. It was all a bit smelly by the time he got there and he had to search around for some of it...
Tell us the story behind the most cash you've ever carried.
( , Thu 22 Jun 2006, 10:39)
This question is now closed.

One job I had in the military in the mid-80's was Silver Recovery. The white parts of x-ray film is where the silver was washed away, most of that silver is recovered from the film processors by special equipment.
I was in charge of removing the silver from this equipment at a large hospital facility. I collected 4 times a year, and transported the silver across town to a precious metals recycling office. It was a bitch of a job -- the stuff gets very heavy, and the process smells like rotten eggs.
Every 3 months I'd haul around 90 pounds of 99%+ pure silver across town in a van. This went on for 3 years, then some commander on the base found out that I was doing this. From then on I was followed by an armed guard on my collection rounds, and the silver traveled by armored car.
I'd never done the math, but turns out that 90 pounds = 1440 ounces, @ $7.00/ounce = $10,080.00 (~6000 GBP)
( , Mon 26 Jun 2006, 6:49, Reply)

To set the scene, I was on work experience, which you aren't meant to do with your parents or anything.
Anyway it was the day my teacher came to visit, so obviously my dad and I thought it a good time to take a trip out to a trawler in Hull, carrying probably a few dozen thousand american dollars, to give to a bunch of gigantic russian fishermen, in a small dank room inside a trawler.
Good old Mother Russia.
( , Mon 26 Jun 2006, 5:24, Reply)

And have only ever seen a £50 note three times at work.
I think my dad may have waved a £100 note at me once, just to make me all jealous and stuff.
( , Mon 26 Jun 2006, 3:15, Reply)

why not get people from b3ta to run for prime minister then they would get free trips all over the world make money from inside dealing selling wives or girlfriends appartments and do a total u turn on party policy
( , Mon 26 Jun 2006, 1:21, Reply)

Spent that on a meal in a restaurant for four people just over two years ago.......we are talking about good old Zimbabwe.
I believe you can't buy a meal there now for one person for less than a million dollars........inflation is a bitch!!
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 21:17, Reply)

I worked for a Peugeot dealarship as an accounts assisstant in a uni summer break. Every morning I had to go in the safe and sort out the money that had been deposited the previous day from parts sales and the service department, ready for the security guy to collect it.
On a monday it was the money from friday and the weekend. One particular weekend lots of people had decided to pay for cars in cash, and I was greeted with roughly £50,000 in 10s and 20s. Didnt really carry it, apart from the safe to my desk, but did have to sit and count it all out. It looked awesome all piled up there!
My length and girth doesnt matter...at least thats what your mum told me
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 17:47, Reply)

I had it stashed in my filing cabinet at work.
It was about 12 years ago. My boss signed a cheque for R200,000.00 (two hundred thousand rand) and asked me to have it cashed at the bank and the money delivered to the office. It wasn't even his company - he was only the managing director. I was the bookkeeper, so naturally I asked him what it was all about.
He said, "Never mind, there will be a contra deposit in the account tomorrow."
I had no choice, I had to do it. Then some guy came in and I handed him the money. R200K was a lot in those days...
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 17:03, Reply)

Thats gotta be the lloyds-tsb, I'm limited to such a crappy amount also :(
205 quid, why the 5er????? cant get it from the cash machine.
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 16:37, Reply)

I worked in the Lowestoft bingo hall and we had the largest ever winning game in the world.
I got to give the cheque for £250,000 to Reg from Coronation Street who got to give it to the woman who won the cheque.
The got Reg in because on the show, when he left to move to Lowestoft, one of the other characters said that they didn't even have a bingo hall in Lowestoft so why would he want to move there?
He was a wanker and drove a white Cadillac. He spent the night in the Zone nightclub trying to pick up girls but wouldn't buy any drinks.
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 16:06, Reply)

went into a bank in belfast, and followed some bloke into a white van and went for a spin down south, and helped them carry quite a large amount of cash into a house (I think it was lire or something as they said there was 26 million)**
**may not be true
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 15:27, Reply)

I have held a cheque for £50,000 my parents won on the lottery game thing with Julian Clary on it. In notes I have held £2000 in 50's.
Woo, money
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 14:48, Reply)

There's two [an insurance company] offices in [a town]. One has a cashpoint and the other contains (among other things) the cashier team.
Large armour plated securicor van with riot-geared bloke drops off huge chunks of cash in a thief-proof case for the machine at the cashier office. The cash is then (very securely) transported via a young lady in a cheap shoulder-bag (the cash, not the young lady) to the other office 200m away and installed in the machine.
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 13:44, Reply)

...I was sent from the South of the country, up to Baghdad. Every week the Force Cashier used to have to go up and drop off cash for the detachment up there. Because flying in a lumbering C-130 was quite risky, and seeing as I was going up there anyway, he asked me to take the cash for him. So, after finishing a 24 hour duty at 0700 he came to see me and we counted out $47,000 in various denominations (it took ages). I stuffed it all into my rucksack and set off for Basra airport.
Now, whether it was a combination of exhaustion, or just the fact I can't be trusted I proceeded to leave my bag lying around unattended not just once but three times over the course of the next 3 hours waiting for the plane.
Luckily the bag was still there everytime I returned in a blind panic and I flew up to Baghdad with the booty. Upon arrival, the guy who was supposed to relieve me of the cash had been deployed further up North for a few days so I had to keep hold of the $47000 whilst living and working surrounded by crooks and lowlifes.
Never again do I want to be trusted with that kind of money, in cash, in a place like that...
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 12:50, Reply)

Once when I was twelve, I was given 300 quid in 100 quid notes from my intoxicated uncle to pay for a meal (which cost about 50 quid). He just slipped it to me as we were going out. I kept it as well. Apologies for wasting your valuable seconds, b3tans.
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 11:14, Reply)

that would have been about £400, in our young enterprise company cash box. The (unrelated to the QOTW) story is that our managing director managed to lose the keys to it for a week, so we had no access to £400 worth of profits from a trade fair and had to keep all or new takings stashed at the back of a desk drawer :)
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 11:11, Reply)

My former roommate lived with me in Rotterdam(Holland) for about a year and ran off while i was in London for the weekend, simply sending me a text saying "i'm moving back in with my mom, see ya".
As she still owed me 1500 euros in back rent, i told her to pay up.
Well, last friday (2 years after take off) she phoned to tell me to come over to her house, as she finally had the rest of the money she owed me.
After a couple of lagers she handed me an enveloppe containing 500 euros in 20's. Nice, but weird to go on the bus and having trouble getting your buscard out because of the pile of 20's blocking its way out.
I did have the sense to go back home to get the money safe before going on the piss.
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 9:37, Reply)

I for the life of me can't remember the last time I've handled a considerable amount of my own cash (it's been awhile).
But I'm pretty sure a few customers have struck it lucky at my register. I get a little giddy and gooey when counting out large amounts of money to make big fat wads of it. One time a lady returned the extra $100 I'd accidently given her after she'd gone home and counted her wallet. It always makes me wonder if any less honest persons had a very lucky
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 6:39, Reply)

just been paid for the week
10 THOUSAND in cold hard cash!!!!
only its dirhams not dollars or Punds :(
still, looks like a lot of cash and it makes my wallet nice and fat.
going to buy an apple later in the week, yay!
music production with REAL software!
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 5:43, Reply)

Last one, promise.
Last semester, a literacy group I'm involved with on campus had a fundraiser at a local nightclub. We sold pre-sale tickets and got all the door proceeds before 10:30. I offered to take all the cash home at the end of the night, because I wasn't keen on sticking around that late. All of the people who had sold pre-sale tickets brought their cash, and including all the door sales, I walked home form downtown with $1300 in my pocket.
It was a bit sketchy, probably because I looked really shifty the whole time watching for would-be muggers.
( , Sun 25 Jun 2006, 0:09, Reply)

Back in 2005 I used to work for my local football club in London. I was only a lowly turnstile operator but...
...I used to have to take in loads of money for fans to enter the ground to watch the matches.
First day that I went there I had to go in a turnstile with someone else to 'learn the ropes' and at the end of the match there was over £2000 in the turnstile. I think it was like £1000+ in £10 notes and £1500+ in £20 notes.
On many occasions whilst I worked there I had at least £500-£1000 in the cash box.
In theory I could have arranged for someone to 'come along' with a gun or something and steal the box on a match ... then just pretend I'm the victim and act all innocent. Just if I did this.......
Oh well it was still a lot of money.
Oh and once when I was younger and at school some kid just said he had £100 and he gave me it all?!?!?!
Also, I used to work in a charity shop and sometimes I was asked to do the banking...one day I was just talking to some friends when I mentioned that I'd take sometimes over £500 to the bank and my friends thought about mugging me and splitting the money or something. Again it didn't happen ... never got round to staging it really.
I'm still not rich!!!!!!!!
( , Sat 24 Jun 2006, 21:30, Reply)

Years ago I worked in a designer tat shop in Soho that was run by a conniving, lying, twat who only ever dealt in cash.
Aaanyway, as I was general dogsbody and he was always being sued, I had to go one day to pay his solicitor. He got ten or fifteen grand in wads from a black binbag behind the cistern in the shop toilet , stuffed it into a jiffy bag, and told me the address. I had to walk through Soho, through Piccadilly Bloody Circus and along the Strand to find the office. All I got when I arrived was a wait and the most limp, clammy handshake I've ever recieved from a woman who looked like Oscar Wilde in drag.
Come, envy my life.
( , Sat 24 Jun 2006, 21:24, Reply)

Over half my ill-gotten gains from being an extra for Scottish Opera, carried across the river to the Ever-So-Slightly-Bad-Area-of-Stabbings-and-Such of Glasgow. To a computer store. To carry expensive computer parts back. To the train station. On the other side of the city.
The next day, my friend tells me of online stores.
I don't speak to him much anymore.
( , Sat 24 Jun 2006, 20:08, Reply)

Once carried £100,000 in cash from the front desk to the back room to count.
Yes, I was tempted.
( , Sat 24 Jun 2006, 18:52, Reply)

will only let me withdraw 205 pound a day!
i need a debit card :(
( , Sat 24 Jun 2006, 17:33, Reply)

A few years ago, i went working with my dad for a couple of weeks. We were out in Ireland calling on a customer with a huge house in the middle of nowhere.
He asked her if he could take a cheque on behalf of his boss, to which she said she dont like payin the tax, and proceeded to run round the house, and come back with 7 grand in 1 grand bundles.
No problem ill pay it into the bank except they had a problem with him payin that much cash in without some form or something, as they thought it was drugs money.
So we had to carry round 7 grand for a week and a half in Northern Ireland. We always had the holdall with us.
You dont kno how much i wanted to break it all open and have a bath in it.
I didnt tho
( , Sat 24 Jun 2006, 14:53, Reply)

i went to the ice cream van that goes down my road with £500 planning to buy it out of rocket lollies but they were playing the 'run out' music.
( , Sat 24 Jun 2006, 14:44, Reply)

I took a temping job. One day they sent me to a bank's cash-counting centre. I was met by a banking chappy and led down into a basement, through many doors which were all ostentatiously locked behind us as we went. He also took great pains to point out all the CCTV cameras that were pointed at all the doors.
We arrived at a room filled with a few long benches, each with about four counting machines on them. I was given a rather large pile of US $100 bills and told to put them through the counter and pack them together into lots of $10,000, which I would then wrap with a little coloured bit of gummed paper around the middle. Once I had a cool million, I had to bundle it up with another machine that would shrink wrap it, and then lob it into a big blue plastic bin on wheels.
It turns out a million in US dollars isn't as big or heavy as you might think.
There were a few of us there, all counting money and bundling it up before chucking it into this bin. When it was full it was wheeled away and replaced by an empty one.
Did I mention that it was about twice the size of a shopping trolley?
Must have held an awful lot of money.
I did Deutschmarks in the afternoon.
No apologies for length, width or girth. This is all true. I suspect I have handled more cash than any of you. So ner.
Just a shame it wasn't mine.
( , Sat 24 Jun 2006, 14:29, Reply)

and had to take a bearer cheque-thing from where i was working to one of it's clients, the other side of the city. I was on £6 an hour, and this thing was worth a few grand - to the bearer. I could have walked into a bank and put it into my own account - perfectly legally.
It was a long and very tempting walk.
( , Sat 24 Jun 2006, 13:36, Reply)

I worked on the Post Ofice Counter and all the supermarkets used to send in their cash (long before debit cards and even before people carried cheque books as a metter of course). Over xmas these supermarkets sent in their takings and at one point on my desk I had over £500,000 in cash. I used to think only "30 mins to heathrow........." wish I had nicked it and run now!!!
( , Sat 24 Jun 2006, 13:25, Reply)

Many years ago I worked for HMV (when they were at the top end of Union Street in Aberdeen) and as the Nat West was across the road instead of getting Securicor or someone to pick up the cash, a couple of staff used to go over with it. Had to go down a lane and round the back of the bank, ring a bell and be let in. As this was in the days before digital shoplifting and music stores actually still made money there could be a fair bit to bank after a busy weekend.
Always thought of elaborate schemes where my mates could mug me or something and we'd go halfers on it, but these schemes never came to fruition.
( , Sat 24 Jun 2006, 12:50, Reply)
This question is now closed.