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This is a question The Weird Kid In Class

There was a kid in my class who stood up every day and told everyone he had new shoes. This went on for weeks, and we all thought him nuts. Then, one day, he stood up and told us a long story about why his family were moving to another part of the country, and how excited he was. The next thing we heard was that he'd died in a plane crash.

Let's hear about the weird kid in your class...

(, Fri 19 Jan 2007, 10:18)
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Not in my class but at my school.
It was a fine, sunny day a few years ago and I was in sixth form. My mates and I sat outside to eat our lunch on some benches that overlooked the school playing fields.

Some of the younger kids were having a PE lesson and we cheered them on as they ran the 100 metres.

Now, there was one kid called Hugo (overweight, bad hair, eyes of a killer)who whilst halfway down the track was distracted by a flock of pigeons that had landed on the nearby cricket square.

He diverted his course off of the track and headed, screaming, for the birds with his arms flailing madly like a chimp on E.

The teacher sees this and calls him over whilst the other kids roll their eyes at his antics.

Annoyed at being called away from his pigeon-scaring activity Hugo dashes headlong at the teacher and other kids, arms still flailing, screaming 'I'll burn you! I'll burn you all! Burn, burn, burn!'

Disturbing for his classmates but top notch lunchtime entertainment for the rest of us!
(, Thu 25 Jan 2007, 0:01, Reply)

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