Now, I've met lots of nice people on the internet - but it's the weird ones that stick in your mind. Such as the guy who borrowed a film off me in Cambridge and turned out to be so smelly, so hairy, so nervous and, well, so downright needy that I've never bothered getting it back.
Tell us about the strange people you've met on the internet.
( , Fri 17 Mar 2006, 9:31)
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Hmm. I went out with this girl for a while whose life revolved around a whole bunch of weirdos that she knew online in some text only vampire adventure world that she helped run and moderate.
Yes, I know, the phrase "text only vampire adventure world" should have been a huge clue and an even bigger warning. Practically all of her life was held online; I was one of the only people that she knew in what she painfully referred to as RL.
As she mostly interacted with these people online, I rarely met them but this was sadly far too often. The first lot I met were this distinctly creepy couple - she was the standard issue short, round gothette, he was a cadaverously thin and pimply medical student (of unknown number of years of study, he kept failing and being bankrolled by parents to retake years of tuition). He let it be known practically on arrival that they were 'open' and quite happy to experiment.
I was tempted to let them know that I was 'closed' but willing to experiment on them medically but declined politely (well politely by my standards). The mental image of the pair of them at it was too horrible to contemplate - her short roundness and his stick thin-ness, joining together like some obscene goth punctuation mark. Eeww!
The rest of her friends were single females identical to the girlfriend of the above couple. I remember her telling me in advance of meeting each of her friends that so and so was 'good company'. Good company must be some code phrase for small, overly needy fat mentalist with an obsession for cheesy musicals.
Curiously, not being anywhere near as odd as my girlfriend's friends made me look like the weirdo (which I probably am, but it's all relative).
I think she indulged an awful lot online in what she referred to as TSing, where TS stands for Tiny Sex, which in turn stands for cybersex, ultimately acting as a euphemism for glopping away furiously, on your own, your frantically jiggling hands lit only by the glow of a CRT tube while some random stranger does the same thing in a dank bedsit somewhere in Romford.
I think it was her that told me the science around making future kit for cybersex is known as Teledildonics.
( , Tue 21 Mar 2006, 11:35, Reply)
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