

  1. REPOST (REE-POST) verb

    Reposting is the cardinal sin of posting an image on the b3ta board which you have already posted before thereby pushing somebody else's recently created picture into the archive. If you have posted an image, then somebody has seen it and you will be called on it.
    The punishment can vary depending on the mindset of the boarders at that current moment in time and can range from a mild rebuke to a full blown assault where your physical address is tracked down and you are skullfucked. Don't do it. It's the worst possible offense. Your image had it's chance now move on.

    If you want to post an image you have previously posted then post it as a relevant reply to another picture. "That's a great picture of a kitten skateboarding, here is a similar picture I made..."

    N.B. Don't ever use the word 'pearoast' it means you are a child molester and your ipod only contains Crystal Gayle's Greatest Hits and The Very Best of Manfred Mann.
    i know it doesnt truly enter into the spirit of b3taism but im to busy and too lazy to do the jack thing so heres a repost 8¬) - Hal9000 - User#18
    (we buried his dismembered body on the Norfolk Dales... do you want to join him?)


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