is all of teh funneh!
(SnackyOxWho? What? Whang?, Tue 11 Sep 2007, 20:00,
I liked it best when..................
That dog at the end tried to bite the face of Frank Sidebottoms missis
(lord turkey boyand the cleft of venus, Wed 12 Sep 2007, 4:13,
Best video ever!
(Logiconor) (, Thu 13 Sep 2007, 21:26,
That made me cry with laughter
and that doesn't happen very often.
i second this as i watched it in the morning and then when i got home eager to watch again, bingo tits, legacy was gone :(
(WurSeL - Havin it Largewww.haveitlarge.net, Wed 19 Sep 2007, 1:26,
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