Peter Serafinowicz
...since then Peter has become an absolute star of Twitter - with over 400,000 people following his nightly gag sessions. We thought it was about time we caught up and asked him the questions that our members wanted answering. Take it away B3tans.
| Richard Herring
We've just been reading Richard Herring's book How Not To Grow Up and think it's fab and figured we should interview him.
Wilf Lunn
Wilf Lunn is a British national treasure and creative genius. We tracked him down and asked him pointless questions, only to find out the dangers of Dairylea Triangles and what girls get up to in the Hippodrome toilets.
| Eoin Colfer
Eoin Colfer - best known for the Artemis Fowl series of books has a new project: he's writing a sequel to Douglas Adams's Hitchhikers books. Controversial stuff. He's agreed to answer your questions. Even awkward ones.
Cyanide and Happiness
Oooh look, it's an interview with Cyanide and Happiness. Hooray.
| Kunt and the Gang
We talk to the greatest living songwriter of his generation. We are not worthy.
Ben Wheatley (The Wrong Door)
He's on our board. He's made a TV show. We've interviewed him.
| Kittenwar
Fraser and Tomsk are long-term B3tards who've helped us run the site from almost the very beginning. Now they've made a book. Huzzah!
Adam Buxton
Adam Buxton once bestrode our screens like a televisual Tyrannosaur as part of comedy duo Adam & Joe. Now he's turned up on YouTube making amusing video shorts.
| Tom Reynolds - Random Acts of Reality
Tom Reynolds has been blogging his working day in the London ambulance services for oooh, ages now. We once wrote, "Publishers: sign up this guy to write a book, really - you'd have a surprise hit on your hands." Turns out we were right, Tom has been snapped up and has hardly been out of the top ten ever since.
Maddox has been rocking the web since '97 with his unique brand of arrogance and cynicism. He's recently broken out of the web ghetto to produce a book and enter the best sellers lists, so we thought it was high time to catch up and ask him the completely irrelevant questions that a proper publication wouldn't bother with.
| Patrick Moore
Patrick Moore: Moon-mapper, xylophonist and eccentric genius. He hates May bugs and loves cats. B3ta roving reporter Kirk Rutter tracked him down and asked him, "What are you like?"
Tim Hunkin
Cartoonist, inventor, and TV presenter Tim Hunkin is a very clever fellow. We wanted to get a glimpse inside his brain, but settled for tracking him down and asking a bunch of questions instead.
| Winner or Sinner
London readers will know the Winner or Sinner guy. He stands outside Oxford Circus preaching the word of God to disinterested commuters. B3ta correspondent Kirk Rutter has done the unthinkable, and approached him for an interview.
Wes Cherry
If there were any justice he'd be richer than God, but he's not. Meet Wes Cherry, creator of Solitaire for Microsoft Windows, the most popular computer game in history. Probably.
| The Disney Tattoo Guy
He's the Disney Tatto Guy, a man with over 1500 tattoos of Disney characters and an obsession without equal. He's a legend to many. We attempted to understand.
Stuart Payne
From cult web celebrity to the world's most sought-after biscuit critic, all inside a couple of weeks. This is the heart-warming story of Stuart Payne, whose fascination with all things tea and biscuit has caught the nation's imagination.
| Monkeyman
Newspapers report a monkey-like superhero quietly thwarting crime on the streets of Tunbridge Wells. But who is he? B3ta exposes a tale of media manipulation on a truly global scale.
Kieran Mulvaney
War: What is is good for? Traffic, that's what. We get the lowdown on one of the Internet success stories of recent times - a site dedicated to Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, Iraqi Minister of Information.
| Carl Baldwin
Carl Baldwin's legendary 'Don't forget your handbags' image has been seen around the World. We tracked him down and questioned a man who describes himself as "more machine than man - twisted and evil."
Graham Rawle
Graham Rawle is the genius illustrator behind The Guardian's 'Lost Consonants'. We asked him about the series, and he responded with the low-down on linguistic mayhem and the fighting prowess of sardines.
| Emma Clarke
Emma Clarke is a unique talent. She's funny. She writes. And she's the voice of the Bakerloo line. We asked her about all of this and more.
Gareth Jones AKA Gaz Top
TV presenter Gaz Top tells us how he didn't shag Janet Street Porter, and some other things too. HOW! about that then?
| Jeff Minter
Legendary 1980's computer games designer Jeff Minter tells b3ta about changing technology and his pet llamas.
If b3ta was a musician he'd be this man. He takes other people's music, messes it up and glues it to his own. It's funny, and we love him.
| Ferry Halim
The worlds' greatest web game designer tells us how he killed his iguana, and how he likes his eggs.
Tony Hart
Tony Hart is an inspirational figure in Childrens TV. We spoke to him and got the low down on Morph, losing his virginity, and whether he could do fellow TV Artist Rolf Harris in a fight.
| Dave Gorman
You've heard of Dave Gorman. He was the guy with the mission to meet 54 people with the same name as his. We got in touch with him, and asked him all the questions the people on the B3ta board wanted to know.
Joel Veitch
Joel Veitch of rathergood.com gave the world the Frightened Boy animation. We talk to him about what makes him tick, from the Mr Men to evil monkeys.
| Yomgaille
Yomgaille. He's French - he's a genius - and his bunny animation probably ended up in your inbox.
Dancing Paul
His name is Paul. You've probably already made him dance - now read as he takes you from The Simpsons to Ghandi - with a small detour via Bjork - in the journey of his favourite things.
| David Stevenson
David made Jada, an animation featuring Maggie Thatcher, rabbits and kebabs. Welcome to his world. It's filled with stranger things still: driving babies, tin openers and chicken soup.
Craig Robinson
Craig Robinson lives in Berlin, Germany.
In his spare time he designs the FlipFlopFlyin site featuring the adventures of a very small pixel person called FFF Boy.
| Neil Cicierega
Meet Neil. Aged 15 - he's already an extraordinary animator - and still in touch with the simple things in life: tree frogs, Ed Wood, and Tesla coils.
Evil Zug / Thomas Mannino
He created a pirate web video for Daft Punk, but the man behind the pixels is more interested in flicking rubber bands at his teacher.
| Cartel
Cartel Communique claim to be bringing about the "downfall of pop culture".
They spend their free time and employers' resources creating video by re-editing TV shows and setting it to the tunes by cut-and-paste artists like Osymyso and Kid 606.
James Carusone
He made the monkey man from Microsoft into a rapping superstar, but what is James really about? His interests range from his dog called Sugar, to appreciating the beauty of French supermodel Laetitia Casta.