I know it's wrong of me...
click for pic
but I just HAD TO get it out of my poor head.
It came out of a very disturbing e-mail conversation at work today. It's actually all mr bridger's fault -- he came up with the word, then I suffered the mental consequences.
mod edit: no pictures of cocks please, even if they do look like cocktail sausages ;)
EDIT: sorry -- wondered where my good evil work had gone :)
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Wed 30 Jul 2003, 22:48,
click for pic
but I just HAD TO get it out of my poor head.
It came out of a very disturbing e-mail conversation at work today. It's actually all mr bridger's fault -- he came up with the word, then I suffered the mental consequences.
mod edit: no pictures of cocks please, even if they do look like cocktail sausages ;)
EDIT: sorry -- wondered where my good evil work had gone :)
You don't want to know
what you get when you type dildo into
I need to wash my eyes out with soapy water.
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Wed 30 Jul 2003, 22:52,
I need to wash my eyes out with soapy water.
my mind is thinking of porcupines porking each other now! with lots of "ow! ow! ow!" action!
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Wed 30 Jul 2003, 22:50,
i didn't notice they were naughty. i thought they were pork sausages at first.
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Wed 30 Jul 2003, 22:52,
mean they're not
oh dear, well could be said to be pork in on sense I suppose
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Wed 30 Jul 2003, 22:58,
oh dear, well could be said to be pork in on sense I suppose
they are very small naughty bits
not immediately noticeable. I htought they were fingers till I looked closer and read the text.
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Wed 30 Jul 2003, 22:54,
be shiny and glowy, though that dance of yours tends to tarnish em slightly
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Wed 30 Jul 2003, 22:59,