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Face Transplant Woman Speaks Out
I'll get my coat
Pig Face Turnip I know a little German. He's over there.,
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:13,
Princess Di?
ERG1008 is climbing in yo windows & snatchin yo people up,
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:13,
that was my first thought as well
Laird Dave Draws Now charges to take off his clothes.,
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:15,
god you're advanced up north
mine was gaga googoo Jesus that's a huge gash
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute,
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:33,
Edit: Updated to quell the rabble
J Peasemould Gruntfuttock Alpha Mike Foxtrot,
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:37,
You already awarded that to someone else!
wastedindustry yes indeed sir,
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:38,
twice to Dixon Bawls by my count today.
Laird Dave Draws Now charges to take off his clothes.,
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:39,
Well, it's constantly being updated
Edit: You buggers are difficult to keep up with! What do you want, a scoresheet?
J Peasemould Gruntfuttock Alpha Mike Foxtrot,
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:40,
that'd be cool
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:56,
Well, off you go then.
J Peasemould Gruntfuttock Alpha Mike Foxtrot,
Fri 18 May 2007, 15:06,
I'm honoured.
I'd like to thank my mother, obviously.
EDIT: Haha - too late - flickrd!
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute,
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:49,
well when you're left in the wild to fend for yourself from birth
with only a tooth pick and a book on Dangerous Mushrooms. You learn to think fast.
Laird Dave Draws Now charges to take off his clothes.,
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:37,
but taken after 'l'accident' which saved me having to remove her head.
Pig Face Turnip I know a little German. He's over there.,
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:30,
Seams OK
Edit: Optimise Prime!
J Peasemould Gruntfuttock Alpha Mike Foxtrot,
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:17,
now then
its quite large but not in a good way. Please optimise or my friend here will call.

The Tig and me,
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:20,
a pensive nazi?
The Legendary Pink Dot survived yet another,
Fri 18 May 2007, 14:25,
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