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# Low hummus and zero imagination + too much drink
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:01, archived)
# Shit!
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:02, archived)
# come on ?!
im boozed up...can i assume every one else is? this is rediculous.. we're role models.

(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:03, archived)
# i'm pissed

You are my role models.

(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:04, archived)
# I'm tipsy at least
And my parents are visiting me for the weekend, so I've had to slow down a little.
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:06, archived)
# Kinell
where've you been ?

not seen your brand around for a while.
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:08, archived)
# Having fun, mostly.
Good to be here the few times I've managed to get on.

I was second in the compo last week! Can't be completey disapeared. See you at the party next month?
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:15, archived)
# Don't know yet
have nowhere to stay and haven't decided if I want to go.

We'll see nearer the time.

Good on ya for coming second.
I always tend to come first........sorry.
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:17, archived)
# First time I'd even featured
But I rarely even enter, truth be known.

You can stay here if you want, but my plan is to head out to an all-night party after the b3ta thing and get back about 8am for more chilled party until bed about noon.

Planet Angel night is always a fun one!
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:20, archived)
# Well cool that you won
I shall take that offer under advisement. I need sleep so I doubt doing an 8am return would agree with me.

Thanks for the offer anyhow.
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:29, archived)
# Furry muff
I'm a sleepaholic myself, but I don't intend to do much else between noon on Saturday and Monday morning.
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:32, archived)
# you!
i said i was going to post an animated gif on 03/03/03


should have remembered that! piss!

gimme 5 mins (unless it wasnt you.)
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:16, archived)
# hey
what where when who why ?
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:17, archived)
# -
another person with a short name me thinks... could have been witchy... any hoo....

heres my ani gif any way. front page material?
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:22, archived)
# haha
nah, can't remember it being me.

I do like it, yes.
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:29, archived)
# Gourd!
Gentlemen, I believe we have a new catchphrase!

Unless, it's already in use, just rarely so
in which case, I'm going to look really stupid...
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:06, archived)
# You, Sir,
are cleary embalmed in formaldehyde.

Edit: As far as i'm aware, Gourd isn't a catchphrase, I just like the word. Which is why my post further down features Gourds.

(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:07, archived)
# Yup
Well, I wish I was [embalmed in formaldehyde], 'cos that would give me a good reason for not having produced this 1500 word essay for Monday
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:08, archived)
# blame
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:10, archived)
# or
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:11, archived)
# Just checked the undergraduate handbook...
And I quote:
"blaming Russia or Canada will not be accepted as good reason for late submission of work"
Any other ideas?
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:12, archived)
# The Dog ate it..
works for me.

as a chat up line
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:14, archived)
# You shouldn't admit that kind of thing
Oh well, guess it's going to be an all-nighter.
Still, I've got the board, and 12 or so hours of music in my Winamp playlist to keep me company...
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:17, archived)
# actually
blame Gourds.
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:13, archived)
# role models?
i like models :)
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:05, archived)
# I have japanese DNA
which means I can't handle alcohol very well
when mixed with THC you get one wobbly incoherent ah bollox u get the picture....
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:10, archived)
# I know that one
great little documentary about that not long back. Something to do with how water was purified back in the old days.

(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:38, archived)
# It's the
holy shit!
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:04, archived)
# He needs more sand
that is chock full of peanuts and they are dense.
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:04, archived)
# what's got a
hazelnut in every bite?
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:09, archived)
# ?
go on.......
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:11, archived)
# squirrel

schoolyard humour a go-go
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:13, archived)
# whats
brown and sticky?
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:14, archived)
# a

an oldie but a goodie!

Actually, it's crap.
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:18, archived)
# pink and wrinkly
and hangs out your trousers?
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:19, archived)
# yer
mum of course, unless you're talking about yer cock and you live in cleveland.
(, Sun 2 Mar 2003, 1:24, archived)