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# A guy I knew had a dislocated finger, so I relocated it for him.
Only fair, since I'd dislocated it in the first place.

He'd been trying the 'There's something on your shirt' trick and flicking people's noses. Very childish. I'd seen him doing this, so when he tried it on me, I didn't look down. I grabbed his finger and started bending it back.
He thought I'd get grossed out because his fingers bend back about 90 degrees.
He didn't know me that well. *bend* *bend* *pop* 'You've dislocated my finger!' 'Ok, give it here.' *grab* *shove* *relocate* 'Ow!'
(, Fri 23 Jan 2009, 21:13, archived)
# ha ha ha
my fingers don't bend backwards at all!
when ppl give a "firm" handshake my little finger knuckle pops under the next knuckle along, oh and my thumb is double jointed and can reach out the otherside of my hand (as shown in the pictures)
(, Fri 23 Jan 2009, 21:21, archived)