Britney's Cat-a-phone
It's Britney! It's kittens! It's got stupid noises! Huzzah!
Friday Game Archive
You asked for it - you got it. All our Friday Games listed in one big location, for your time wasting needs.
Coin Stack Challenge
Two players, one pot of coins - who can stack them higher?
48k Celebrity Awards
We select the best (or worst) examples of famous people in drawn with blocky pixels in old ZX Spectrum games.
2 cups 1 bag
One tea-bag makes two cups of tea. Nobody appears to know this, so we've made a guide.
Scroll Wheel Cheese
Ever looked at your scroll wheel? If you've had if for a few months then it's probably filthy.
Internet Fatty Toasted Sandwiches
Breville + sweets = lots of horrid photo fun
Rob and Dave visit the Imperial War Museum
Your newsletter team Rob and Dave visit the Imperial War Museum looking for a good time.
Gruesome Twosomes
Can you tell the difference between Ant and Dec? Fucked if we can remember, and we made the damn quiz.
If I Could Shit Out My Cock
A question philosophers have been debating since greek times.
Dogs In Togs
Noticed an advert for a fancy dress dog competition. Nipped down there and took a camera.
How To Poach An Egg
Tackling the controversial subject of poaching eggs. Including the revolutionary "clingfilm" method.
Pornalike Quiz
Oh come on. What do you think an quiz called "Pornalike Quiz" is going to be about? Kittens?
Flower Song (La la la la la, I love you)
Most email we get on this item reckons the song is in Japanese. You're all wrong. No one has worked it out yet. He he.
Classical Look-a-likes
Fancied a bit of culture, so me and the missus popped down to the National Gallery...
Phallic Logo Awards
Does your company logo look like a massive spunky nob? We pick the best, and award huge prizes.
Click the colour, not the word
This is torture. Pure torture. But can you reach level 10? We can't and we made the damn game.
Notepad Invaders
Oh fuck. The aliens are coming. And this time they're from the planet biro.
B3ta Gift Guide
Still stuck for gift ideas? Why not give a loved one a a special b3ta moment...
Tramp 'o' Claus
The return of the singing tramp. For Christmas. And it's Christmas every day at b3ta. (Well, we like this item - so let's pretend eh?)
Hey Hey 16k
Men of a certain age will weep on seeing this.
B-B-B-B-B-B-Birmingham... Pow!
Part of the projected Bullring Trilogy...
I Like Bukkake
Wake up fresh. Wake up to Bukkake.
Kill Your Parents
An attempt to control your mind using the power of kittens.
Sleepy Kitten Song
Fifty photos of cute cats. One utterly amazing song. What more could you want?
Man Milk or Moo Milk
Yay. More mucky quizzes. Milk or spunk. Can you tell?
Gash or Tash
Gashes. Yay! Tashes. Yay! Quizzes. YAY YAY YAY!
Realistic Internet Simulator
Kill the pop-ups before the blue screen of death kills you.
Funnel or Tunnel
Oooh. Mucky quiz alert. Are these ladies indulging in vaginal or anal sex?
Jailbait or Legal
Are these girls safe for man love? Or will the coppers come knocking?
What's new pussycat
We have taken the stupidest pictures of cats on the Internet and created a fantastic new game.
It tests the power of your memory by showing you pictures of cats, and asking you which one you haven't seen.
TIP: Be Zen. Relax and trust your instinct.
Buffy's Swearing Keyboard
At last - the truth is revealed - Buffy is a SWEARING Vampire Slayer. Press the keys on your keyboard, from A to Z to hear her filth.
Spot the Clifference
Oh no! Sir Cliff Richard has been abducted by space aliens! They've locked him in a time vortex - can you help him escape?
Name that Beard
Can you put a name to the famous beard?
Cursor Love Bunny
The b3ta collective present the most annoying game in the history of everything ever. Trace the bunny with your mouse as quickly as possible. It's guaranteed to make you want to smash your computer.
Top 10 Cutest Kittens
Something to annoy people at work. Warning: Contains extreme shouting.
He-cat or She-cat
Lady cat or Man cat? Can you tell? Tip: girl cats have slightly more triangular faces.
Spot The Gif-erence
The nerdiest quiz we could think of. Yay.
Nonce or Babysitter
We're sorry about this quiz.
Celebrity or Look-a-like
Ah, the wonderful world of celebrity look-a-likes. What a fun bit of googling this quiz was.
Smoke a fag
Yay. Ciggies are great. C'mon kids - light up for Uncle B3ta.
Oh, the joys of drink. If we didn't drink so heavily then there would be a lot more stuff on b3ta.
You can't spell
We can't spell either. But that doesn't stop us being horrid and rude to thickos.
Video Killed The Radio Star
Ah. Buggles + Old animated gifs. Huzzah.
Beer beer beer
We're going for a beer and you're invited. Sing a long with us. Or don't.
Patrick Moore plays the Xylophone
We've had a lot of mail from American readers about this. They don't know who Patrick Moore is. And we're not going to tell you. Sheesh, can't you people use google?
Let's Fist Again
Childish purile filth. The internet has gone too far. Fuck - and we made it.
Billy Bass Parody
We hate those fish. We really hate those fish.
Fatcat or Satan
Oh gawd - it's Fatcat & Satan in the sweariest cartoon ever made.
I Love You (Kitten)
It's a kitten. It sings I love you. Woo.
The Singing Kitten
Another kitten singing his love for you. Yay for loved up kittens.
Spiderman will make you gay
We love spidey. Yes we do. We love spidey and so do you.
Blode and the Giant Bee
Looks what happens when two b3ta people work together. Joel sings, and Nicey supplies the animation - and the result is beyond fantastic. We want to see this on Top of the Pops.
Stephen Hawking & Davros Together in Electric Dreams
Two B3ta people -Mike Trinder & Andy Taylor- have been hard at work, in a mission to entertain you. They've made the funniest animation we've ever seen.
Ja Da
David Stevenson presents Ja Da - it's got giant bunnies, Maggie Thatcher and swedish music, and it's not an advert for a North London Kebab shop.