This one time at band camp
Man + balcony + old trumpet + passing marching band = LOLS
Old so maybe GC
congasplint, Thu 12 Dec 2013, 18:43,
I love the laughing :D
Extinct Jesus Dossier "...I think it counteracts Hitler's magic...", Thu 12 Dec 2013, 19:19,
i absolutely love this!
and yes, this is GC too.
augsav forgot about B3ta, Thu 12 Dec 2013, 19:24,
seen it many times, but still laught at it! thanks!
skullbuggery uh huh! kissed a cow!, Thu 12 Dec 2013, 19:55,
I still often hum that tune, people love it.
Rebel biscuit stercore sumus et nos esse novimus, Thu 12 Dec 2013, 21:19,
I loves a silly video with insane giggling
I am therefore clicking with great clicketiness
simbosan is too tired, Thu 12 Dec 2013, 20:54,
so old it's got cobwebs on it
but who cares, it's one of my all time favourites! clicked :D
parsons* *restrictions apply, Fri 13 Dec 2013, 14:53,
I'd never seen that before so thanks, it made me laugh like a twat.
fred zeppelin II: Electric Boogaloo, Fri 13 Dec 2013, 16:32,
This has jump started my laughter gland.
Captain Spacker I lick windows, Fri 13 Dec 2013, 21:02,
nice that they let Ozzy Osbourne carry the flag....
Digireedoo Fuck off Zuowan, Fri 13 Dec 2013, 23:14,
Sure this has been in the newsletter before!
browser still relating boring anecdotes into a void on, Sat 14 Dec 2013, 19:54,
Is that Ozzy carrying the flag at 0:25?
You can tell how old the video is by how young he looks :)
Alt0n rides like the wind, Fri 20 Dec 2013, 13:45,