Die Antwoord?!
You heartless fuck! Hahaha!
(disco_doctor"Am I in?", Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:09,
We're leaving it
She is determined she likes it that way and I think it's very trendy and cool or something (or at the very least it makes me laugh) so it's staying.
(crab_bloke), Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:16,
first it's the hair
then it's a face full of meow meow in some hoxton bar.
(SpunkyBackpack, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:24,
Yeah hopefully that's a few years away yet
I'm trying not to think about all that stuff.
(crab_bloke), Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:25,
Mine is three
And she just discovered that she can crush nuts with her tiny feet.
I do not recommend walking around in socks in my house right now...
(And is her name a pun on Fallujah?)
(smellysamlyingcableSeaman on, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 16:11,
My Daughter and her school friend decided one day it would be fun to cut each others hair. I don't think they have a career in hairdressing ahead of them...
(FadgebadgerSweaty sumo wanks for everyone!, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:11,
Yeah my elder one hacked her friend's hair off
her mum said it was "FINE JUST FINE" through very tightly pressed lips.
(crab_bloke), Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:17,
Looks like Daddy does cut his own hair.
(MyFrontFellOff; his mouth full of teddies, urinating defiantly, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:13,
It's just 5.45 in the morning hair there
I'm not a big one for hair styles though it's true.
(crab_bloke), Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:18,
he sounds really pleased about the erections
(crab_bloke), Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:30,
She has your face. Your exact bloody face.
That must have been a bloody well-trained sperm.
(Extinct Jesus Dossier"...I think it counteracts Hitler's magic...", Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:28,
Yeah I gave it a full on training regime
much like commando school but for my sperm. and instead of being in a barracks it was in my testes of course.
(crab_bloke), Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:31,
that older female sibling...
is totally involved...
when I climbed onto the roof of our house as a 3 year old, my family where perplexed where i got the idea to do it... my sister 3 years older than me was not perplexed at all... as she was the one who put the chair against the window...
(DefyingDarwinOld, untalented and white,, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:46,
Yeah she's guilty as hell
but I cannot prove it
(crab_bloke), Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:55,
I Like your older daughters plausible deniability.
Omertà all the way.
(bane, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:48,
She's very good at denying responsibility
it is a skill which will do her well in life
(crab_bloke), Tue 25 Nov 2014, 10:56,
Hire a cleaner for your gaff.
(Flash_Bastard, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 11:14,
I don't think so
(crab_bloke), Tue 25 Nov 2014, 11:29,
LOL - nice mullet
I used to expect my kids to be adults too. Now I just accept that they are children and it's me that's supposed to act like an adult not them.
(buffet_the_appetite_slayer٩(●̮̃•)۶ jacked in to the ICE on, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 11:28,
my favourite bit about having kids has been how it's legitimised me being really silly
at least the little ones appreciate me twatting about
(crab_bloke), Tue 25 Nov 2014, 11:31,
Mumsnet is over there ----->
(h3donisttryin' to play me out as if my name is Sega.., Tue 25 Nov 2014, 11:34,
but i'm not a mum innit
(crab_bloke), Tue 25 Nov 2014, 11:36,
Pendulous boobs suggest otherwise.
(Tab HunterMake this useless process end and so, begin again, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 11:54,
I may have certain allurng mammary assets
but downstairs I have the other flavour equipment
(crab_bloke), Tue 25 Nov 2014, 12:01,
Next time
leave her alone with pinking shears. I gave myself an awesome haircut with some when I was about 4 and made my mum cry.
(moogy boobles, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 11:53,
what a brilliant idea
i might do all of our hair with pinking shears. it could be our family haircut
(crab_bloke), Tue 25 Nov 2014, 12:02,
I did see
(Frogbeat, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 11:57,
You want to watch that one. She'll be miming to "Achy Breaky Heart" next.
(Jabberwocmisses D.R. and Quinch, Tue 25 Nov 2014, 12:02,
although at least it couldn't be any worse then the constant renditions of Let It Go that I am subjected to every bloody day
(crab_bloke), Tue 25 Nov 2014, 12:22,
You know they've just released the singalong version of that on DVD don't you?
It'll be in cinemas too and peer pressure will dictate that you take her.