Turquoise Hexagon Sun has just dropped acid on, Mon 18 Dec 2017, 15:26,
Command and Conquer?
scoshi pretending to diet since, Mon 18 Dec 2017, 15:29,
Nah :(
Extinct Jesus Dossier "...I think it counteracts Hitler's magic...", Mon 18 Dec 2017, 16:16,
I want to film thing.
Point camera everywhere but thing.
wheresthefish Partly filled with wrong, Mon 18 Dec 2017, 15:49,
You would be surprised
just how many people who call themselves camera operators cannot follow simple directions like "Do not track the actor as they walk off set." We had that one time making a short film.
We actually had to send him out of the room because he was completely unable to stop himself tracking the subject as they walked out of shot.
Someone who does not claim to be skilled at operating a camera will always amaze me if they manage to produce footage at all. Even if it does not show anything, just that they knew where the button was to start recording is impressive.
The more people I meet, the more I need to drink.
My Name was saying these words inside your head on, Mon 18 Dec 2017, 17:00,
Meet me for a drink and all your worrys will worth it
fluffybunnykiller Is feasting on the clitoris of life, Mon 18 Dec 2017, 18:25,
And film thing in portrait
simbosan is too tired, Mon 18 Dec 2017, 22:00,