No idea if this was ripped off from a B3TA person, but it sure fits in with the style. Only NSFW because of sweary words and crude illustrations.
( , Tue 10 Feb 2009, 23:45, Reply)

I just discovered it is now kinda viral - sorry if you have seen it before (but that is how it goes on teh net sometimes.)
( , Tue 10 Feb 2009, 23:56, Reply)

Spending lots of money on a gift for your partner will just creep them out. Or that's what I tell myself, anyway.
( , Wed 11 Feb 2009, 0:29, Reply)

but this is so full of awesome win it's untrue.
Hate to say it, but brilliant.
( , Wed 11 Feb 2009, 2:46, Reply)

on occasion its users do come out with some useful gubbins.
such as this nice little self help guide... or a bomb in a football stadium.
( , Fri 13 Feb 2009, 20:45, Reply)

It really made me re-evaluate my life. I know I sound like some hippy twunt but it's fucking true! Well, apart from the big fuck-off gift bit, anyway. Nice.
( , Fri 13 Feb 2009, 21:35, Reply)

Tag says it all! Poster says it all! I'm putting this shit all round the office! Kudos to the authors or authorettes of this masterwork piece of Fridge Art! (That's a compliment, btw...)
( , Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:04, Reply)