Jesus Christ
That gets a click from me. I used an oscilloscope at college and i never quite 'got' how they worked, i always had to ask someone to do it for me.
(PieEater, Tue 23 Oct 2007, 17:03,
back in the day
when games developers used to get as much out of the hardware as possible, rather than just buying the latest and greatest hardware and using loads of pre-written high level code to save time.
I love Amigas.
(Firkinfeduplast shat on your wife's tits at, Tue 23 Oct 2007, 17:14,
Jesus on E's FTW
this video rocks
(Dr. StrangeNow Fully ISO 3103 Compliant!, Tue 23 Oct 2007, 17:21,
that point of view is only really valid for the likes of id and Crytek
who get to request new hardware features from NVIDA and ATI.
What about games console programmers? The graphics cards in the XBOX 360 and PS3 are already generations behind those in top of the range PCs. On consoles, graphics programmers have to work very hard to keep their games looking better and better as the hardware they have to work with gets more and more out of date.
(^, Tue 23 Oct 2007, 17:32,
That gets a click
(LancWeekend Trailer Park Supervisor, Tue 23 Oct 2007, 18:01,
Amiga porn
Amiga porn 34 frames on a loop coool
(bertjamisonBoards don't hit back !!!, Tue 23 Oct 2007, 18:26,
Amiga porn
Amiga porn 34 frames on a loop coool
(bertjamisonBoards don't hit back !!!, Tue 23 Oct 2007, 18:37,
[very nice...
..takes me back, etc. Not on your stinking Amigas though.
Archimedes FTW!
What provided the input to the scope, do we know?]
(DrZaarlonWitchspace To Ra!, Tue 23 Oct 2007, 22:26,
it was from the soundcard on his pc
according to the the wobbly text at the bottom
(Elvis of NazarethThis isn't a sig, it's a fucking liberty., Thu 25 Oct 2007, 19:37,
That really is amazing..
Im usually really tight with my "I like this"...
>clicks for all he's worth<
Could someone enlighten me how this is done?
(Axaiis in Montréal, Canada O.o, Wed 24 Oct 2007, 23:51,
Future Crew
on a Vectrex... Mental !
(ultramarinegoat, Thu 25 Oct 2007, 10:04,
Fuck *me*, that is *awesome*.
(AuntieDalek molester extraordinaire, Fri 26 Oct 2007, 17:07,
That's a whole can of awsome right there
(VampireMonkeyOnSpeeda super sexy sexual sex terrorist sex, Fri 26 Oct 2007, 19:37,
make a game in this visual style!
(askham, Fri 26 Oct 2007, 23:25,
they already did
it was called elite. i think it was for the bbc?
(KittyWastelives at, Sat 27 Oct 2007, 6:59,
A spog writes:
The first every computer game was on the oscilloscope. It was called Tennis for Two, which became known as Pong.
(Mrs Entityis in hiding., Fri 26 Oct 2007, 23:44,
pretty cool.
(nyorsk, Sat 27 Oct 2007, 20:42,
I've played the biggest video game in the world
Asteroids uses a very similar technique to the oscilloscope to produce the visuals. My mate hooked up a version of Mame to his Laser once and I played Asteroids 300ft wide whilst completely off my face.
(Sonny_JimKirkladn has a small penis, Sun 28 Oct 2007, 0:36,
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