b3ta.com user Che Penguin
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Profile for Che Penguin:
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black jacket, steel-eyed grin, touching but forgettable.

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Best answers to questions:

» Never Meet Your Heroes

Fruitbat of Carter USM
Fruitbat (or Leslie Carter as he is known these days) is actually a thoroughly lovely chap and I have now met him on several occasions.

However me missus was a rather different story when she first met him...

...now, some of you may remember the fabulous incident at a Smash Hits Poll Winners party where the erstwhile guitarist from Carter USM raced along the stage to rugby tackle a sarky Philip Schofield.

All very amusing indeed. Unless you were a teenage girl with an irrational crush on the Schofield and even more worryingly the ability to hold an irrational grudge for some eleven years...

...I think you can see where this is going...

So, cue me walking up, genuine smile, hand outstrectched about to shake that of my hero; when the other-half comes storming passed, head down, no introductions, no explanations, just slams into the side of poor Fruity, knocking him off his feet and into his girlfreind, who spills both her drink and his pint all over his back.

oh how we laughed. eventually.

Che Pen
(Tue 30th May 2006, 14:28, More)

» Never Meet Your Heroes

"you aint seen me right" bloke
Saw the 'aint seen me right' bloke in a bookshop on Brighton at the very height of the Fast Shows popularity.

Naturally, my friend and I made several obvious gestures of having "spotted" or "seen" him, however he fundementally failed to deliver the line 'you aint seen me right' - either in character or, in fact, at all.

He merely smiled patiently and waited for one of us to say to line to him.

Felt a bit cheated to be honest, what's the point of having a catchphrase if you don't use it, eh?

Che Pen
(Tue 30th May 2006, 14:07, More)