b3ta.com user Rocketrocker
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Profile for Rocketrocker:
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just a pal from germany, the heart of "old europe" as they named it.

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» Breakin' The Law

some time ago
Me and two friends of mine walked home from somebodys party. Totally pissed, for sure. Somehow we started to kick some cars outside mirrors. After like a dozen, police came up and stopped two of us (the third took a piss at that time). He asked me: "Okay, how many mirrors did you guys broke". I went "about 5", when my mate (thanks again Christian) went "DonĀ“t believe him, we broke hundreds, thousands, we broke everything..." Then our missing friend get back from taking his piss, sees the police car but not us nor the officer and the .....you guessed it..... kicked the outside mirror of that policecar. (thanks again Peter). We got to drying-cell and convicted to to some social work...
(Fri 9th Jan 2004, 22:43, More)