b3ta.com user ikkulmoonchild
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» Irrational Fears

Very messed up childhood fear
My mother recently reminded me (at a family dinner) that as a child I used to be terrified of Chris Tarrant. This was when he was on Tiswas, and I used to scream and cry and make her change the channel whenever he was on the screen.
Because I also liked Tiswas she would have to keep on switching it back over so that I could watch the bits he wasn't in

(we didn't have a remote control back then!)

I am now haunted by the fear that my Mum will write to Chris Tarrant and tell him all about this.

P.s I am also afraid of balloons, wasps, people in costumes, clowns and woodlice (they don't belong in this time- arrrghhh)
(Tue 27th Jan 2004, 20:57, More)