b3ta.com user cousteau
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» Slang Survey

Back in primary school in Ireland, we used to call nuns "MickeyDodgers" or "KnobDodgers".
This has now evolved amongst our group to mean lesbians also.

The act of oral sex performed by MickeyDodgers is reffered to by us as "Drinking From the Furry Cup"

Following up on Cromulant from earlier. We also have a couple of Simpsons related ones

Good/Bad squishy = Something very good/bad

Carnie Code = Used to indicate a breaking of a friend's trust. So, if you shag his bird, that's "Breaking the carnie code"
(Mon 2nd Feb 2004, 14:54, More)

» Slang Survey

Not sure where I heard this
But my fave insult has to be......

you window licking shit goblin
window licker on it's own is almost as good
(Mon 2nd Feb 2004, 13:35, More)