b3ta.com user gj
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graham campbell
jobless former student

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» School fights

Fighting in the name of Religion
Well, not really but it was in Religious Ed in 4th year.

There was this clown in our class who was the typical lower grades, but could make everybody laugh kinda guy - every class had one.

Anyway, he decides one day in RE to throw 2pence coins off the back of my head as hard as he could to the amusement of him and basically anyone sitting behind the front row of class where I was. And he keeps doing it until I realise I'm not just a little bit sore, but I'm also getting really f*cking angry and tell myself that if he does it again I'm gonna hit him.

So he does and I did. Only I didn't just hit him. You know in other stories where you're in the fight and get knocked out after being hit? Well, reverse that and that's what happened to me (some folk call it red-mist). I can't remember the rest, but apparently I had hit him about 8 times square in the face and had moved on to strangling the boy by the time I 'woke up' and had Mrs Gordon and 2 other blokes in the class trying to prise me off the daft bastard. I was sent out the class where I immediately broke down in tears at what I'd just done, and what could have happened had I not been torn away.

Bit of a turned around one that one - me crying after laying into him, bur he never said a bad word to me after that.
(Mon 13th Mar 2006, 15:42, More)