b3ta.com user josimarX
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Profile for josimarX:
Profile Info:

this is my website

and these are my posts so far:

click here to see this mcd thing animated:

click this doggy I made out of Fimo to see animation.

click here to see a dog that flies.

I hate Claire Sweeney, she's a cund. This is her 'Rear of the Year 2003' publicity shot � I think it should have been called, 'Shite filled keks belonging to an ugly talentless dog of the year - 2003' instead. 'You with me?

I apologise for this... but it took me a while to do so there you go...

An humble hoffering:

Think about it:

My mate Dave Teh Hilarious One:

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» My Wanking Disasters

never caught wanking personally...
(no, honestly... quite surprising really considering) and this isn't as such a 'wanking' story but I know of someone who was caught in the P.E. changing rooms talking to and feeding crisps to, his nob. I don't know why either, he was just crazy.
(Wed 2nd Jun 2004, 13:24, More)