b3ta.com user Jimbobby
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Boro Grannies and the one armed goalie
Ive been on a fairly random episode of a spikey haired chef Gary Rhodes show, where for some reason they wanted the Middlesbrough Football Club grannies team to play our primary school team at 5 a side football match, our pre match talk was about how we HAD to let them win which was pritty difficult as they couldnt really move and there keeper had one arm, low and behold we were on the end of the show for about 40 seconds showing the grannies pummelling us, ive also been on a soccer skills show with an old Middlesbrough leg-end Bernie Slaven where we dribbled past cones for about 30 minutes on Boro TV
(Thu 24th Feb 2005, 17:13, More)