b3ta.com user teaboy of death
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Profile for teaboy of death:
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Best answers to questions:

» Office Christmas Parties

i love my job
3 days of getting hammered in Poland and the company picked up the most of the bill, had about 2 hours sleep all weekend then back to work fresh as a daisy spent the rest of the week under my desk just telling my boss I am rendering.. Vodka is evil truly evil
(Fri 17th Dec 2004, 13:42, More)

» Evidence that you're getting old

old and sad
I keep forgetting that I am married and when I do remember I can’t work out why I did it and after all that thinking I’m so tired that I need a nap. O yes and I don’t have sex any more just think about it a lot then go and do some gardening instead of cracking one off ( like I said I am married.)
(Thu 28th Oct 2004, 15:28, More)

» My Worst Date

worst date
Many years a go now I went out with this girl that likes an odd drink or 2, had a nice night till she ends up getting taken home in a police car and told off for being drunk and disorderly. Not bad for a first date me thinks..
(Fri 22nd Oct 2004, 10:58, More)

» Inappropriate crushes

Female Interior Designers
Well there is this one that works only round the corner from me, that I had to work with on a few projects recently. Man she does something too me deep inside something that is very very wrong… I think she likes me too but I couldn’t do or say anything about thing as I just fall apart every time I see her, well that and I don’t think my wife would be too happy either..
(Tue 3rd Oct 2006, 14:03, More)

» Evidence that you're getting old

getting old
I spend every weekend doing DIY, now I know I’m pasted it because I have started to like it. I am only 26
(Thu 28th Oct 2004, 13:24, More)
[read all their answers]