b3ta.com user thefatsnowman
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Best answers to questions:

» World's Sickest Joke

just awful
Enlishman, Asian and a Australian walk into a bar, sit down and order a pint each.

The Asian finishes his pint, puts the glass down, pulls out a gun, and blows the glass to pieces. "we have so many glasses where i come from, we never need to drink out the same one twice."

The Australian finishes his pint, puts down the glass and pulls out a gun, and blows the glass away. "where i come from, we have got so much bloody sand to make new glasses with, we never need to drink out the same one twice"

The Englishman calmly finishes his pint, puts the glass down on the table. He draws his pistol, shoots his two drinking companions, smiles at the barman and says "we have so many fucking foreigners in this country, we don't need to drink with the same one twice"

terrible, i know.
(Wed 11th Jan 2006, 20:53, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

very strange
This was said to me, completely dead pan by a good friend of mine. Nearly made me cry.

How do you get a clown off a swing?
Hit him with an axe
(Wed 11th Jan 2006, 21:03, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

Heard this down the pub the other day.
What's black and blue, and hates sex?
A rape victim
(Wed 11th Jan 2006, 20:58, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

another shocker
Q: What do you say to a girl with two black eyes?
A:Nothing, you've told her twice already
(Wed 11th Jan 2006, 20:56, More)

» Pure Ignorance

oh dear lord no
Passed on to me by by a friend, happened to his father on a plane

Man: So you're a vegetarian then?
Woman: Yes! It's just so cruel, I can't stand the thought of all those poor veals being slaughtered!
Man: ?!

I hope she stays firmly out the gene pool.
(Tue 11th Jan 2005, 19:05, More)
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