Profile for The Coast Of Yemen:
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Best answers to questions:
[read all their answers]
- a member for 19 years, 9 months and 16 days
- has posted 11954 messages on the main board
- (of which 16 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 1859 messages on the talk board
- has posted 2715 messages on the links board
- (including 264 links)
- has posted 33 stories and 119 replies on question of the week
- They liked 1435 pictures, 505 links, 12 talk posts, and 170 qotw answers. [RSS feed]
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Recent front page messages:
Ah my apologies.
Also, can I shoehorn this repost in as it's quietish?

(Tue 13th Apr 2010, 22:34, More)
Also, can I shoehorn this repost in as it's quietish?

(Tue 13th Apr 2010, 22:34, More)
Yemen presents Disney Classics: The Lady & The Tram

Cheers to pzyko for the tramspeed
(Tue 18th Aug 2009, 15:28, More)

Cheers to pzyko for the tramspeed
(Tue 18th Aug 2009, 15:28, More)
The government denies physics research is suffering from a lack of funding

Funny and topical! Click for news!
(Sat 1st Nov 2008, 10:59, More)

Funny and topical! Click for news!
(Sat 1st Nov 2008, 10:59, More)
We will now see a posting armageddon as everyone posts their pics from the past 2 days

edit: Cheers!
(Wed 27th Jul 2005, 0:41, More)

edit: Cheers!
(Wed 27th Jul 2005, 0:41, More)
Best answers to questions:
» School Trips
In the last year of GCSEs, a group of us were designated as "able students"
Which basically meant we got to piss around with Science and stuff while everyone else was doing English or Maths.
It also entailed a trip to the Science Museum. Apart from dropping coins down six storeys and generally pratting around, we also found a machine that you record your voice into. The point is that you then change pitch and tone to make it sound different.
So, being the mature and intelligent students that we were, we recorded "Uh uh! Stop fucking my mother, bitch!". Then we pressed all the buttons, which set it on auto repeat, as it grew steadily deeper and louder.
We fled the room as "UH UH STOP FUCKING MY MOTHER, BITCH!" echoed out in a deep voice. What larks!
(Sat 9th Dec 2006, 8:20, More)
In the last year of GCSEs, a group of us were designated as "able students"
Which basically meant we got to piss around with Science and stuff while everyone else was doing English or Maths.
It also entailed a trip to the Science Museum. Apart from dropping coins down six storeys and generally pratting around, we also found a machine that you record your voice into. The point is that you then change pitch and tone to make it sound different.
So, being the mature and intelligent students that we were, we recorded "Uh uh! Stop fucking my mother, bitch!". Then we pressed all the buttons, which set it on auto repeat, as it grew steadily deeper and louder.
We fled the room as "UH UH STOP FUCKING MY MOTHER, BITCH!" echoed out in a deep voice. What larks!
(Sat 9th Dec 2006, 8:20, More)
» I don't understand the attraction
I hate x
and people who like x, because y.
(Sat 17th Oct 2009, 17:26, More)
I hate x
and people who like x, because y.
(Sat 17th Oct 2009, 17:26, More)
» I'm going to Hell...
I was at St. Peters in Rome last summer
And sent a postcard of the new Pope back home through the Vatican post. I'm probably going to hell because I crudely altered the picture so that he had a cloak and was saying "Come to the power of the Dark Side!"
Also, we have a condom hidden inside a hollowed out Bible in our kitchen. In case of emergency.
(Thu 11th Dec 2008, 13:46, More)
I was at St. Peters in Rome last summer
And sent a postcard of the new Pope back home through the Vatican post. I'm probably going to hell because I crudely altered the picture so that he had a cloak and was saying "Come to the power of the Dark Side!"
Also, we have a condom hidden inside a hollowed out Bible in our kitchen. In case of emergency.
(Thu 11th Dec 2008, 13:46, More)
[read all their answers]