b3ta.com user davroid
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» Toilets

Too quiet pubs
Me and my mate gary are out on the piss in a bit of a rough house with only a handful of old blokes around. A fairly quiet beer shop. Unhappily I need to go for a poo and its so quiet in pub that every one can see who's going in and out the crapper
I sneak in and out and I think I've been discrete, no big noises in there or anything andi come out and get on with drinking pint. However within 5 minutes the whole bar notices the barman getting all busy. Overalls on, mop and bucket, bottles of bleach, plungers, rods, you name it. .
A regular shouts to him "hey tam, whits up like?"
"some cunts done a shite in there that'd choke a horse"
Me and gary put down pints in a hurry and leave.
(Mon 5th Sep 2005, 16:57, More)