b3ta.com user Farmer Cat
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Profile for Farmer Cat:
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I am a lady from East Sussex who is a self confessed B3ta lurker, as my picture making skillz extend only to paint and I can't even use that properly.

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» Teenage Parties

Not too long ago
The house parties my brother and I used to have were legendary. Everytime the parents went away we always used to have one, even when they were gone only one night and decided to have an impromptu cards and smoking night in the dining room. Its amazing how naive we think our parents are sometimes, two bottles of Febreeze couldn't even begin to mask the smell that was due to "a few cigarettes".

We had nice parties, everybody drunk too much, nothing got trashed and it was never gate crashed due to living in the middle of nowhere. All of the parties were filmed and I have some great footage of our 17 year old selves carefully crushing some Pro Plus tablets and snorting them. Damn we were cool.

Oh the days the days...
(Sat 15th Apr 2006, 17:52, More)

» Your Weirdest Teacher

Well there was the lady PE teacher that ended up getting with my best friends mum....

I don't know who was more shocked, my best mate, her dad or the rest of the school.
(Thu 10th Nov 2005, 15:55, More)

» Fire!

Reading Festival
On Sunday evening of the lovely festival of Reading, I was wandering around the site, admiring the riots going on around me whilst wrapped in a cosy blanket.

Suddenly a large white adidas trainer flew out of nowhere and smacked me on the arm.

So I did the only thing I could and set it on fire and left it burning on the road. I'm usually a passive person and would never even dream of doing such a thing.

I think it was the effects of the warzone that was going on around me.
(Thu 3rd Nov 2005, 11:27, More)

» Posh

Posh Students
I go to a college that has a massive rivalry with a certain agricultural college at Cirencester. Apologies if anyone actually attends this "college" but it is full of young toffs who drive souped up Landrovers (courtesy of Daddy, obviously) and who single handedly keep the tweed jacket and Hunter wellies market going.

They hate us just as much as we hate them because we're apparently all poor and common as we don't have CB radios and massive wheels on our 4x4's. If you want to see real class rivalry, you should come to one of our rugby matches. Its like a mini riot with police and stuff being thrown and everything.
(Thu 15th Sep 2005, 11:24, More)

» Where is the strangest place you have slept?

Friend of mine
Not me, as I wouldn't be this silly.

On a night out, ended up going for a drunken wander up the road. Got a bit tired, as you do, realised he didn't know where he was and thought he'd have a kip as we all know things are much better when you've slept on it.

He didn't choose the road, or a comfy verge. He chose one of those yellow plastic grit boxes (with grit) where he curled up (he is quite small) for a few Z's.

At least he made sure he didn't freeze.
(Sun 31st Dec 2006, 19:53, More)
[read all their answers]