Profile for XLVII:
After about 9 years on b3ta, messing about with shit and
honing my own style, I decided to take my art to the streets
and started doing stencil art
@xlvii instagrime

My B3tards Web Archive
My recent posts
Vector tutorial
handy links
Mini Icon Challenge
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Best B3ta Posts Evar!!
my shit
Video capture & avi convertor
After seeing this epic post on the fp I challenged Oucheh to do a stixel machine and she did so in fine style producing the masterpiece below.
click for thread

Click here to view Lazy Gamers B3ta Motel and get the template!
b3ta theme
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- a member for 17 years, 11 months and 1 day
- has posted 15475 messages on the main board
- (of which 6 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 4 messages on the talk board
- has posted 81 messages on the links board
- (including 17 links)
- has posted 11 stories and 7 replies on question of the week
- They liked 2517 pictures, 53 links, 2 talk posts, and 25 qotw answers. [RSS feed]
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After about 9 years on b3ta, messing about with shit and
honing my own style, I decided to take my art to the streets
and started doing stencil art
@xlvii instagrime

My B3tards Web Archive
My recent posts
Vector tutorial
handy links
Mini Icon Challenge
Stats Board
Best B3ta Posts Evar!!
my shit
Video capture & avi convertor
After seeing this epic post on the fp I challenged Oucheh to do a stixel machine and she did so in fine style producing the masterpiece below.

Click here to view Lazy Gamers B3ta Motel and get the template!
b3ta theme
My F.P's
My Better posts
Recent front page messages:
To Tony.....
Please include this in this weeks gallery.

Thank you!
Now better quality!
Thanks all!
(Sun 5th Oct 2008, 21:10, More)
Please include this in this weeks gallery.

Thank you!
Now better quality!
Thanks all!
(Sun 5th Oct 2008, 21:10, More)

Can I leave this related pea here?
Wow! Thanks for all your clicks guys and gals!!!111
(Thu 4th Sep 2008, 9:42, More)

Can I leave this related pea here?
Wow! Thanks for all your clicks guys and gals!!!111
(Thu 4th Sep 2008, 9:42, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Social Networking Gaffes
I'm a pea roasting whore and I don't care
My worst mistake would probably be joining facebook, don't get me wrong it's fantastic for keeping in touch with the people you choose but I think the search facility should be eradicated.
The amount of times I've been to my old haunts only to see people that had added me for me not to accept, it was extremely awkward on one occasion.
I generally just add people now, that 'block applications from blah blah' button works.
Oh and the bloody poking....

(Thu 11th Sep 2008, 20:07, More)
I'm a pea roasting whore and I don't care
My worst mistake would probably be joining facebook, don't get me wrong it's fantastic for keeping in touch with the people you choose but I think the search facility should be eradicated.
The amount of times I've been to my old haunts only to see people that had added me for me not to accept, it was extremely awkward on one occasion.
I generally just add people now, that 'block applications from blah blah' button works.
Oh and the bloody poking....

(Thu 11th Sep 2008, 20:07, More)
» The Dirty Secrets of Your Trade
carpet right madness
There's one born every second.
Every time Carpet Right have a 'sale' thousands of people from across the country, rush to their local store and grab a 'bargain'.
What people don't realize is that they are conning bastards!
I work for a large Carpet wholesaler and in our shop outlets we do a lot of the same carpets as their 'sale' items.
They basically take our shop price, add 90% and then take the 50% off.
When you also consider the fact that they are a national company as well, them brothers are laughing.
Sorry for un-funnyness but the truth needs to be out there.
*Prays to Google*
(Fri 28th Sep 2007, 21:53, More)
carpet right madness
There's one born every second.
Every time Carpet Right have a 'sale' thousands of people from across the country, rush to their local store and grab a 'bargain'.
What people don't realize is that they are conning bastards!
I work for a large Carpet wholesaler and in our shop outlets we do a lot of the same carpets as their 'sale' items.
They basically take our shop price, add 90% and then take the 50% off.
When you also consider the fact that they are a national company as well, them brothers are laughing.
Sorry for un-funnyness but the truth needs to be out there.
*Prays to Google*
(Fri 28th Sep 2007, 21:53, More)