b3ta.com user InternetRed
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Profile for InternetRed:
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No good, lazy, run-down student.

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Best answers to questions:

» Crazy Relatives

Great Grandmothers count?
Long story short, she chased a much older man around the world, latched on and bled him dry. Amusingly, she never kept a penny, giving all of it to her relatives who hate her.

She came to my grandparent's wedding anniversary, dressed like something from certain 'websites'. The short skirt was better described as a belt and the top showed more of her chest than you'd ever believe, although her breasts gravitated around her waist. She spent most of that time bending over in front of the younger men picking up imaginary items, and offering to lapdance anyone who even looked in her direction.

And that did include a 14-year-old me too, who was back then, as pure as the driven snow. I had to be told just what a 'lapdance and blow job' would involve the ride home.
(Tue 10th Jul 2007, 2:33, More)

» * PFFT *

Oh gods!
I'm on Xenical, a prescribed weight loss drug. Long story short, it pushes 1/3 of the fat you take in from the meal, back out. Great if you watch your fat contents... not if you don't.

The one time, the day after a Chinese meal (it was my "the day after your birthday" treat), i let one rip.

And boy did i let one rip. There was this sound rather like a jacuzzi, and the back of my pants, bottoms, even the bottom of my t-shirt became saturated. I was lucky i was standing, it could have been worse... It took me over an hour in the shower scrubbing and re-scrubbing, trying to get rid of that smell. Oh gods the smell! The stuff that shot out with that rather powerful fart, was all but pure grease with a hint of Chinese food smell. I was paranoid for days.

Ever since that day, i keep farts in. I'd rather explode internally, than explode externally.
(Mon 16th Jul 2007, 0:42, More)