b3ta.com user Mr Alexander
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Profile for Mr Alexander:
Profile Info:

I was a lurker for about 18 months before officially becoming a B3tan.

(Will add more when i feel inspired to)

I like eating cheese before bedtime to add even more surrealism to my dreams.

I like the smell of 2-stroke lawnmower engines and cut grass.

I am one of few male primary school teachers.

Currently living in North West.

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» My most treasured possession

Mine is
the time when I was wandering through a small wood alone... not lost, just enjoying being alone with my thoughts, when suddenly I felt an almighty grumble as the vindaloo from last night caught up with me... Getting back to my primal instincts I found a nice secluded area and dropped trou - surrounded only by a few trees... I enjoyed that experience that only the trees and I would ever know.

Funny thing is it happened again a few months later when I was visiting the black forest in Germany, not a small wood this time though, this time I was surrounded by hundreds of acres of trees, That was my 'most tree-shared poo session' to date. I think I'd like to go in a larger forest next time.

Length? Well the bigger (forest) was better, and with trees its more about girth.

First QOTW-A pun? Questionable actions from a noob...
(Wed 14th May 2008, 17:20, More)

» Unexpected Nudity

skinny dipping
On a boys adventure last summer, six of us took a van around Europe (approx 10 contries, 5000 miles, 20 days). Anyway, one evening we parked and set up camp near a scenic, yet deserted French beach, and as the sun had just set over the horizon we decided to go for a spot of swimming by moonlight (In a totally non-gay way!) Splashing around and freshening up from a long day travelling was just what was needed.

Then Adam spoiled it all.

one word.


"Dammit man!", "remember your company!", and other comments of dispair were made, no straight guys enjoy dick-by-moonlight...

well actually...
(Thu 28th May 2009, 19:02, More)