b3ta.com user bloctiger
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» Buses

the school run
London hosts many a dangerous bus route in which blipping your oyster card also translates into you agreeing any personal injury you recieve is your own bloody fault and you shouldn't have sat next to that shifty bloke in the first place.

However, it is the school run that always provides the most drama. In my case I was sitting at the back of the bus with my ear phones only just drowning out the noise of school kids arguing on the deck above. Soon my tranquil state of mind was interrupted by a boy being thrown head first down the stairs. He staggers to his feet whilst passengers look on confused though barely surprised. Soon his attackers leap their way like spring boks down the stairs, grab him and slam his face agaisnt the front windscreen leaving it spattered with nasal blood whilst calling him a wanker.

All due respect to the attackers though, they did do it just as the bus came to a stop outside the local hospital so at least the guy didnt have a long walk to get his stitches.

and the whole time? no one said a word but kudos to all the blokes and the old lady that managed to apprehend the spring boks so they couldn't escape. never mess with ya granny...
(Fri 26th Jun 2009, 11:57, More)