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B3ta radio is over

After almost a year of broadcasting we knocked it on the head. It was fun and we'd do it again in a instant, but it took a lot of energy and we simply couldn't justify the time when there's newsletters to write, and quite frankly real world job stuff to do. If you tuned in, we hope you enjoyed it. If you never heard it, you can download an old show here.

What is B3ta Radio?

A weekly radio show broadcast on Resonance FM presented by the b3ta newsletter team Rob Manuel and David Stevenson. It's also produced by Kim Morgan. Sometimes we let him talk too.

What's the big ideas?

Simple. Ask the world a question that produces interesting anecdotes and read the best stuff out on air, mixed up with tunes we like. Oh and sometimes we have musical guests too.

Where can I find it?

4 to 5pm GMT, Friday on 104.4 FM in London, and via the web.

Is it any good?

We've just googled ourselves and found this mention on blog-cty, "Just been listening to the B3ta radio show. It's actually quite funny. I expected it to be a bit crap but it wasn't."

There you go. High praise indeed.

Can we phone you?

Yes, on 020 7836 3664. But only call between 4-5pm Friday. Else you'll be speaking to the wrong people and probably just annoy the station.

So what questions have you asked?

I've written a song. Will you play it?

We've played a lot of music made by contributors in the past - so email Kim a link to an MP3 and we'll give it a listen. (kim at persula.org)

What music guests have you had live on air?

Memorable moments?

Oh, the golden memories of B3ta radio is not available in the shops...

Can I download an MP3 of the show?

No, but Resonance do have half an hour of one of our shows on their archive page www.resonancefm.com/archive.htm.

Special thanks to the other guests we've had on the show including Weebl, Nick Cory-Wright, Lucy Reese, AndyK, Mike Trinder, Rev Dan and Tim. Oooh and cheers to Rogan for the lovely pic.

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