This Week: * TOON - Tragic kittens * WEEBL - New one. With pie. * PHOTOS - Rathergood Selfridges window ------------------------------------------------- ________ ____ __ ___ ____/ _)|_ // /_/ _ | ___/ _ |/_ </ __/ __ | "We're saving the __/____/____/\__/_/ |_| web ... together" B3ta email 106 - 26 Sept 2003 Read this issue in your browser: Subscribe: Unsub: ------------------------------------------------- : WHAT B3TA PEOPLE HAVE BEEN MAKING THIS WEEK >> Kitten toon << What can we possibly say new about kittens? We don't know, but Mr Mantlepies' work almost made us cry. Oh, you'll have to squint a bit to read the speech bubbles. >> Counting sheep << Having trouble getting to sleep? We are. We've got a fucking newsletter to write, it's 3am and we're very nearly hallucinating so we're not sure what this is about. But it made us giggle. Thanks spassmonkey. >> Saint Jordan << UK readers will be aware of Jordan as a silicone-enhanced model sprawled across the covers of the cheaper tabloids. We may mock her, but kittens worship her as a GOD, as revealed by Mr Wheatley. >> Minefield game << "This is my second attempt at a Flash game," writes Gaz. "It’s not too bad even if I do say so myself." It isn't too bad. An arcade-style version of office favourite Minesweeper. >> New Weebl << This week, Weebl and Bob are faced with an intriguing dilemma. Involving a pie. A bit of a return to old-school Weebl. Ace. >> Rathergood takes over the world << Regular readers will need no introduction to Joel Veitch. He was a big part of b3ta from the very start and is now doing rather well in the world of TV animation. He's recently been asked to create a window display for Selfridges. It looks fantastic, and if you're in London it's worth checking out. B3ta regular Fraser did and brings you these photos. ------------------------------------------------- : SITES IN BRIEF Stuff we like that wasn't made by our mates. >> Drawing cocks on faces << In a sense, aren't we all drawing cocks on each other's faces in God's eyes? But these people are taking it too literally, by actually drawing cocks on people's faces. >> Automatic wanking hand << We like wanking. We like machines. We like Japanese things. So we love this automatic wanking Japanese hand. Mmm. Tiny. >> World Beard Championships << Beards are funny. Not your rubbish one-week's growth but proper, cultivated, manly beards. Like topiary. Feast your senses at these fine specimens of face fur. >> Chinchillas. Important << Harking back to the days when having a website was a big deal, this company has the most extraordinarily portentous Flash intro ever. Particularly for a company that sells chinchillas. >> Incest Twins cartoon << Comic strip in poor taste. Made us laugh, perhaps you too. Don't really need to bother with the others, though. >> Bullet-proof briefcase << We love the fact that this exists - a briefcase that in moments of crisis you can use as a bulletproof vest. Also protects your sandwiches from a sniper's cartridge. >> Shaving cats' noses << The internet is full. Will someone please delete some stuff? Like this comprehensive guide on how to shave a cat's nose? Mind you, we hate hairy nosed cats, so maybe not. Print it out first. You never know when society will collapse and you'll need that information. >> Pictures of stoners << Okay, a gallery of 'funny stoned people' doesn't sound too great, but we found ourselves drawn in, almost against our will. Perhaps it was the influence of the killer drug marijuana. >> Retro computer mods << From the 'slightly nerdy' file, an antique typewriter modified for use as a PC keyboard. Next week; a MIDI interface for your harpsichord. ------------------------------------------------- : B3TA IMAGE CHALLENGE Results from the Make 'Em Dance Challenge Each week we run a competition to test your creative skills. We set a challenge and you open Photoshop and mess with our heads. Last week we wanted wanted to see things dance: We asked B3ta boarder 'Darkedge' to judge the entries - here are his 3 faves. Darkedge writes - #1 "Extended Mix - sheer horsey brilliance. (anno domini hiatus) #2 "Dancing Dalek - Pulling up the skirt and ending with the splits. Oh yes... (sweavo) #3 "Yelsin Dance - Shame it wasn't stolly instead of absolute but still... this takes me back a fair bit." (Dr Nick Riviera) "Special mention must go to the sheer geekiness of Cockles' Black Mesa Disco Inferno flash" >> This Weeks Challenge << This week, B3ta contributor Dr Dunno gave us the suggestion, "Conjoined Celebrities" ------------------------------------------------- : WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Follow-ups on previous stories. * DAVID BLAINE MEDIA SENSATION - last week Brian Mung made a David Blaine killer game. He writes, "I've had a shocking amount of attention from the Blaine thing, including shots in the papers, interviews, a mention on telly and most importantly, a note from Paul Daniels. It's all detailed on the front page at my site." * SNOMANMAN PORN - last week we asked you to send in the oddest porn you knew about. The winner? This lovely young lady sucking a snowman's carrot cock. Warning: Er.. this is porn. Not sexy. But porn nonetheless. ------------------------------------------------- : STAR IN NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE Make something cool and tell us about it. If you are in it then people will see your stuff. Things we'd really like to see include * Sheep that count to infinity. * Japanese website running a Photoshop challenge titled, "Stupid Brits. Let's really freak them out." * Tributes to Princess Diana. We haven't seen any in ages. We want to tear our clothes and gnash our teeth. And weep. Send contributions to BTW: If you've sent something in that hasn't been featured then don't be put off - we look at everything you send us. ------------------------------------------------- Subscribe: Unsubscribe: ------------------------------------------------- THANKS: This issue was edited by Rob Manuel with David Stevenson. Links sent in by jharik, alexw1au DooBerry, brucemonaghan, Amy Woodbridge, Terry mister_bronson_from_grange_hill and Digitdean is tired of long names. Top tippery from naive amoeba. Stupid porn from monkeymanblue. Additional linkage by Fraser Lewry. Board research by Fnord. Image challenge handled by Mike Trinder. Proofing by the bearded b4ta clams. (70334) ------------------------------------------------- TOP TIP: If your salt is getting stuck in the pot due to steam rising from your food, just put some rice in with the salt, and it'll soak up all the moisture.