This Week: * ANIM - Bob Dylan's Space Monkey * INVESTIGATION - Who owns the no hands kitten? * RADIO - Miles Hunt live in the studio ------------------------------------------------- ________ ____ __ ___ ____/ _)|_ // /_/ _ | ___/ _ |/_ </ __/ __ | "We're saving the __/____/____/\__/_/ |_| web ... together" B3ta email 110 - 24 Oct 2003 Read this issue in your browser: Subscribe: Unsub: ------------------------------------------------- : B3TA HALLOWEEN PARTY 31st October 2003 Next Friday is our London Halloween party. If you enjoy our stuff and fancy saying hello we'd love to see you. There will be drinking, t-shirts for sale and a raffle. ------------------------------------------------- : WHAT B3TA PEOPLE HAVE BEEN MAKING THIS WEEK >> Bob Dylan song << Remember Mystery Bob, the man who brought you War of the Worlds a couple of weeks ago? He's been busy writing and producing this great Flash video castigating Bob Dylan for his lack of pet care skills. There is a message in there for us all. >> Spooky Halloween Animation << Matazone has been messing with the classics: Evil ventriloquist dummies. His story is long and sent a few shivers up our spines. >> Conker game << Conker season is upon us. But forget about collecting nuts from trees and pickling them in vinegar. Like a squirrel. Happyperson has made a super-advanced conker simulator to recreate the thrills without leaving your desk. >> No Hands kitten - secret origin << Surely everyone in the world has seen the picture of the No Hands kitten. The tiny cat with his paws in the air has appeared on countless websites over the last year or so. Indole Ring tried to track down the owner of this famous creature. ------------------------------------------------- : B3TA RADIO Evil pranks and Miles Hunt >> Evil pranks << We've been asking you about the most evil pranks you've ever played. The response has been both phenomenal and scary. You lot really are some sick puppies. We'll be reading out the best stuff on Friday's B3ta radio show, but if you can't tune in read them on the site. There's some good stuff here. >> Miles Hunt live on B3ta Radio << Oh, and we've also got a very special guest this week: Miles Hunt (ex Wonder Stuff) playing a live accoustic set. Yay. If you're in the London area, tune in on 104.4FM or you can listen here: ------------------------------------------------- : SITES IN BRIEF Stuff we like that wasn't made by our mates. >> Woman shoves dildo up man's Jap's eye << Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. This really does what it says on the tin. It made our eyes water, but we couldn't look away in time. Probably not safe for work. >> Tiny Korean girl plays xylophone << This is probably the cutest thing you'll ever see on the internet. Cuter than 1000 kittens. Apparently a lovely video of a three-year-old Korean girl playing a complicated song. We suspect she may be a some sort of genius midget. >> Loony + Photoshop = web gold << We love paranoid nutters, but we thought we'd seen it all. How refreshing to see this guy's take on the world. Why not try using Photoshop filters on random photos to reveal lizards hidden in the tiniest details? DO YOU SEE THE GNOMES WITH THEIR HATS? >> Your games are crap and you are old << Remember Space Invaders with affection? Donkey Kong? Bet you thought you were pretty cool. But you're not. Electronic Gaming Monthly got 10-12 year-olds to look at some retro game favourites. They weren't too impressed. "Kirk: I'm sure everyone who made this game is dead by now.",4364,1338730,00.a... >> Man bends steel << We think we're pretty hard at B3ta towers but we're no match for this guy. He can bend thick steel nails using his bare hands. And he's not the only one. There's a whole scene of people bending metal and exchanging tips. We suppose a strong grip comes in very useful on lonely winter nights. >> Adam Ant sings << Celebrity mental health patient Adam Ant has been all over the UK tabloids with his new version of his 80s hit Stand and Deliver. Called Save the Gorillas it's a charming plea on behalf of the Dian Fossey foundation. But what we really enjoyed is this unplugged style video showing Adam really enjoying recording the song. He looks really chipper. >> Crap Japs impersonate album art << Enjoy this series of photos of young japanese people posing in the style of their favourite album covers. Its charm lies in trying to guess what album they are imitating without looking to the right of the screen. Tricky because they are rubbish. ------------------------------------------------- : B3TA IMAGE CHALLENGE Results from the Local News Challenge Each week we run a competition to test your creative skills. We set a challenge and you open Photoshop and mess with our heads. Last week we wanted local news stories We asked b3ta boarder Freddy Woo to judge the entries - here are his 3 faves. Freddy writes - #1 "Ink Shortage - so simple, so clever, so nicely done it would have been a scandal if this didn't win. (Indole Ring) #2 "Local Man - somewhere out there a local paper really is running this story. This sums up the tedium of local news beautifully. (monkeon) #3 "Tree Hoax - worth it for the evil smile on the kittens face alone. We all know the little buggers do it deliberately, now we have proof." (lemonhead) Freddy would also like to say how much he enjoyed Threepwood's local edition of Heat magazine: >> This Week's Challenge << This week, b3ta contributor Supermoore gave us the suggestion, "100% FACT" ------------------------------------------------- : WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Follow-ups on previous stories. * PENNY/BREATHALYSER TIP WRONG - "I tried the penny thing a few months ago", writes kriscoco "Didn't work. I made a new friend while I slept it off in jail that night. She was butch, and I still cry at night sometimes." More on how wrong we were at Snopes. * MICROWAVE EXPERIMENT SUCCESS - "I tried some as demonstrations", writes Dr Anna K. Croft of the University of Wales, Bangor, "for classes of first year chemists and can highly recommend them. Not in your own microwave though. Borrow someone else's." ------------------------------------------------- : THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO SENT RAFFLE STUFF IN And remember we're still looking for more At our Halloween party we're holding a raffle to raise extra money to pay for our server costs. Lots of lovely people have be donating stuff to use as prizes. So thanks to Skateattack for a remote control helicopter. They've asked us to mention their Xmas competition. Oh, ok. Computer Arts are donating a handful of magazine subscriptions. Cheers guys. Web design company Fizzymedia is donating a DVD and Executive Marble Run set. Huzzah. For the ladies and the goths we've got some animal friendly cosmetics courtesy of: And further thanks to Sue Blakeston for the signed book, and Nicecupofteaandasitdown for some lovely pre-release biscuits. >> Send us more stuff<< If you fancy giving us some stuff for the b3ta raffle get in touch with pep @ to discuss where to send it. ------------------------------------------------- : STAR IN NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE Make something cool and tell us about it. If you are in it then people will see your stuff. Things we'd really like to see include * MORE FREE STUFF - as we said we're having a raffle. Talk to pep at * MORE GUESTS FOR B3TA RADIO - maybe you're Bill Drummond or Clive Sinclair. Why not come on our show - you'll enjoy it. * MORE WEBSTUFF - first and foremost we love the web and the stuff you send in. Don't stop - there would be no b3ta without you. Send contributions to BTW: If you've sent something in that hasn't been featured then don't be put off - we look at everything you send us. ------------------------------------------------- Subscribe: Unsubscribe: ------------------------------------------------- THANKS: This issue was edited by Rob Manuel with David Stevenson, then tidied up by Mike Trinder Links sent in by 90Nx0, Richard Fisher, Chris, schminkypinky, Fraser, KnitWit and Brendan Collins Top Tippery by The Wife. Additional linkage by Fraser Lewry. Board research by Fnord. Image challenge handled by Mike Trinder. Proofing by the clicky b4ta woos. (70914) ------------------------------------------------- BIKER TOP TIP: To stop your visor steaming up on these cold mornings, rub a little bit of washing up liquid into it. It'll stay clear as a clear thing and you'll be able to see where you're going again.