This Week: - Blankety Blank - Tony Hart Interview - Zombie Update ------------------------------------------------- ________ ____ __ ___ ____/ _)|_ // /_/ _ | ___/ _ |/_ </ __/ __ | __/____/____/\__/_/ |_| B3ta email 25 - 18 JAN 2002 - "We're saving the web" ------------------------------------------------- : BLANKETY BLANK The catchiest TV theme tune ever. Blankety Blank is a UK quiz show which has been on the box since the late 70s. The theme tune is evil. Once in your head it'll never leave. B3ta people have been paying tribute all week. AndyK's Dog in a Coat. Joel Veitch's Shape Farm. and Cthonic's Wendy Swears. ------------------------------------------------- : TONY HART Interviewed. At last. Tony Hart is the much loved TV artist who used to present the UK childrens program Take Hart. We interviewed him and learnt the following important facts: He lost his virginity in 1948 and kept Morph in a fridge. Read more: ------------------------------------------------- : ADVANCED CHALLENGE - UPDATE. Last week we opened a new challenge, to take Simon Panrucker's kazoo based cover version of Kernkraft 400's Zombie Nation and make a flash video for it. We are keeping the challenge open for another week to allow people to finish their work. The best so far? Threeheadedanalbaby: If you wish to enter then download the tune: ------------------------------------------------- : SITES IN BRIEF Good links that we're too lazy to write about. Eye bending optical illusions. Interactive ambient art toy. ------------------------------------------------- : B3TA IMAGE CHALLENGE Results - winner - new challenge. Each week we run a competition to test your creative skills. We find an image, and you scramble our minds by buggering it up with Photoshop. Last week we asked your to photoshop our baby. The winner? Emotionblurred's diagram: This week's challenge? Photoshop Paul Daniels. ------------------------------------------------- : JOIN IN! We're saving the web - and we need your help. Subscribe: [email protected] Unsubscribe: [email protected]