Wobbly in depth analysis:
1. Real World Anime: Could be fun but will prompt Hulk PeaRoasts and Audi adds
2. Biscuits: THIS!
3. Peter Cushing: I will do a VAG CREAM in the morning VAG VAB
4. New Tory Policies: Politics is bollocks!
Wobbly Bloke Hello, did I miss anything on,
Wed 25 May 2011, 12:39,
Ahem! Ahem! They should call it ...
Bolloloticks! Ahem! Ahem!
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob,
Wed 25 May 2011, 12:41,
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on,
Wed 25 May 2011, 12:42,
^ What she said
Wobbly Bloke Hello, did I miss anything on,
Wed 25 May 2011, 12:42,
* What happened to having one of this weeks choices, the runner up from last week?
Wobbly Bloke Hello, did I miss anything on,
Wed 25 May 2011, 12:41,
It is also National Geek Pride day.
Just thought I'd put that out there
Whato_Jeeves Did your surgery require a vaginal mesh patch?,
Wed 25 May 2011, 12:43,
* awaits Geek Planking images...
Wobbly Bloke Hello, did I miss anything on,
Wed 25 May 2011, 12:55,