Yesterday. 'Eduard Khil's Haircut' requested Franco Nero and Kelly Brook (cooking socks), seconded, thirded and forthded by me...
Following that, the dead-man requests were from 'monkeyboyalpha' requesting Boris Karloff and 'Wasp Box' with Harpo Marx.

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Wed 23 Nov 2011, 6:39,
Following that, the dead-man requests were from 'monkeyboyalpha' requesting Boris Karloff and 'Wasp Box' with Harpo Marx.

my mate had to give a training course at Triumph underwear who she modeled for at the time. The training room was adorned with huge pictures of her in sexy undies. He had a great deal of difficulty concentrating
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Wed 23 Nov 2011, 9:55,

double stripe whammy!
i would liek to do sex things to the brook.
however the chances of that ever happening are very slim, almost 0 in fact.
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Wed 23 Nov 2011, 9:20,
i would liek to do sex things to the brook.
however the chances of that ever happening are very slim, almost 0 in fact.