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[challenge entry] I had a dream...
Well, it's not curry, but it is A Curry... this is my first creation on here, I hope you like.

From the Curry and Cheese challenge. See all 321 entries (closed)

(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:08, archived)
# Oh that's good, very good
pull up a kitten, etc.
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:08, archived)
# Eeek! *hides*
That clown doesn't get any less scarier, does it.
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:10, archived)
# Clowns
are evil....anyone payed to fall on their arse for a living is (rant warning here) NOT FUNNY!!!!! This applies tou you as well Lisa Riely...rant over....
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:13, archived)
# I don't think...
...clowns are that scary. I used to have a picture of one on my wall when I was wee and I loved it. I must be like th eonly one in the whole world!!
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:15, archived)
# clowns
...are ok. Clowns that growl, "Do ya wanna ballOON, Georgie?" and then eat people - well they freak me out.
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:18, archived)
# clowns ARE scary
but not as bad as either :
a ) Barney
b ) A morris man
or even
c ) Barney doing a morris dance
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:20, archived)
# Barney
is evil incarnate.
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:22, archived)
# No.
You are mistaking Barney for GIN.
Gin is evil incarnate.
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:24, archived)
# Clowns are scary *FACT*
Children who aren't scared do so at their own risk and will one day rue the day they weren't scared... or something. Anyway - I was leading a normal life on Saturday and then met a Clown and a Minstrel at the same time - I nearly cried like a school girl with a grazed knee.

That is all the proof I need.
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:20, archived)
# oh nice!
just leave your soul by the door and make yourself comfortable : ) welcome.
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:09, archived)
# Lovely.
Soft cheese.... Mmmmm.

Pull up one of them kittens, put something in your pipe and join us.
You'll never leave.
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:12, archived)
# I just bought some crisps..
I think someone in the Dutch/English translation dept. wasn't listening very hard when they made...


Balti Curry perhaps, they're quite brown...
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:13, archived)
# very cold curry?
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:15, archived)
# Hah hah.

Anyone had the Vanilla Ice Cream Monster Munch Crisps yet?
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:15, archived)
# Yes I have
They taste kinda like those wafers you used to get and could stick in icecream
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:17, archived)
# yes
they don't taste *that* bad, but they're just wrong at every level
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:19, archived)
# yep
liked them, but not running out for more
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:19, archived)
# That sums them up.
Nice, but probably not a second bag.
It's just wrong, sweet ice cream taste, but fatty crisp texture..... odd.
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:20, archived)
# I'm hoping
to buy some BBQ ice cream next week...

and to think, The Two Ronnies foresaw this all years ago!
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:22, archived)
# pickled onion ice cream?
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:24, archived)
# yumm
monster munch tasting like Vanilla Ice's cream. How can it go wrong?
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 16:23, archived)