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# an attempt at googlism

in glorious lofi
(, Wed 4 Jun 2003, 12:08, archived)
# yay
'tis the Angel of the North's wifey
(, Wed 4 Jun 2003, 12:12, archived)
# I think that's rather spiffing!
you are lucky to have a name which lends itself so nicely :)
(, Wed 4 Jun 2003, 12:13, archived)
# i actually did it as spa and cefish
i hope that's okay!
(, Wed 4 Jun 2003, 12:18, archived)
# absolutely!
I did mine as "super"! and "moore" origionally, but I hated it, so I'm going to divide it along less obvious lines and try again tonight.

There's a thread somewhere you should add a linky to. Not got my favorites with me at work, but a search should turn it up.
(, Wed 4 Jun 2003, 12:22, archived)